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Information and tips on looking after kittens?

In a few days I will be adopting 2 neutered male kittens (8 weeks old) from the same litter - will they be aggressive towards each other and fight or will they get along? Will my cats run away from home when they get older - would they get lost? Should I get a collar or are these dangerous if they get caught on trees etc? What foods are best for them, what times should I feed them? I have a dominant black rabbit that lives in the house, will they fight? How should I introduce them? How should I handle the kittens so they grow up to be friendly and loves human company? What things are unnecessary to buy? When can I let my kittens roam around the house - I have an alarm at night, what should I do?

I'm sooooo excited but nervous, what if they get ill!? I'm a new cat owner (clearly) and have no experience, please help me with some useful tips - I know it's a lot of questions. Thanks.


kittens at that age will proberley play fight wich is what they do for fun,unlikely they will fight.

you should go to your vet and ask for them to be microchipped that way if they get lost and found a person will check them for a microchip this micro chip will tell your name and phone number.

i would wait a year to let them out the older they are the less likely somthing will happen to them but i hightly suggest a catio.

the best food does not have digest or animal Derivatives or wheat or corn but heres a list of good food

heres what i get my cats

a cat needs two sachets a day of wet food one in the morning and one in the evening.they need a bowl of dried food and a bowl of water always avalible.for now as they are small one sachet a thats 3 bowls metal or cerramic better.As thye are under 8 weeks they need a mixed diet of kitten food and kitten formula until 12 weeks .

pick them up reguarly when they are young to make sure they egt used to people talk to them in a calm cheerful voice they enjoy that.

get plenty of toys to keep them occupied,hide all wires/small objects they may eat them plus get a sratching post to save the furniture.!340841031%2Cn%3A451109031%2Cn%3A471345031&bbn=451109031&ie=UTF8&qid=1341138563&rnid=451109031

remebr to get them vacinated at vets,get them flea treated with frontline and deworm every 6 months.

goodluck =)  

They'll get along just fine :) The most they'll both do is play fight. Keep them both indoors for a few weeks at first. Maybe get a harness for them and when they're both around 13/14 weeks just take them outside on that for a bit so they get used to it. 

Make sure they have been neutered, 8 weeks sounds very early and is unlikely they have been done so. If they haven't been done they'll both start marking their territory and that can be a smelly situation, and they're also more likely to wonder off (Had an un-neutered male once, used to walk of for 3/4 days at a time then come home) 

For the rabbit, just slowly introduce them over time (put them in the same room for half an hour or so a day and increase it over time), don't leave them in the room un-supervised. Try rubbing the scent of both the kittens and rabbit on a sock or something at first, letting them smell each others scent so they're aware of each other at first. Handle them regularly - kittens always love to play with people as I found. Just get them a few small cat/kitten toys. 

A little tray will also be needed, you can buy all sorts of scoops and bags for them now too, so it's down to personal preference after that. A scratch post/tower is recommended, I have a multi-story one for my cats and it keeps them happy, they all have their own spot. A bed isn't always necessary - you can buy one but they may never use it (however with kittens it's usually a good idea) 

You can buy the branded kitten food (they usually have guide lines on the pack) and sometimes give them a small amount of milk (it's not bad for cats, mine have it all the time :)) but not too much due too their age, so other wise leave them access too water.

The most they'll do to each other is play fight as they get older and whatnot. Cats always know how to find their way back home if you let them out but to keep them safe, raise them to be indoor cats. Make sure you put collars on them so people around your area will know they have an owner. 

Regular dry kitten food is best for them but wet food is always a nice treat. Feed them when they're hungry. Make sure they get used to your rabbit and that you're there when they're around each other. Bring something to the kittens that has your rabbit's scent on it and vice versa. 

Make sure they have a place to sleep, food, water, and a couple of toys to play with. Let your kittens explore and get used to the house when they get home. Silence your alarm for now because your kittns might get scared. If they get sick just take them to the vet. 

1) Are you sure they are neutered. 8 weeks sounds a bit young to me. 
2) They've grown up together so they'll be friends while they are young. They may stay friends all their lives but they may grow apart as they get older. However, they will tolerate each other if they are both neutered and gang up on other cats that come near. They will view each other as part of your family. At first, I'd keep them away from the rabbit and I'd keep them in the house for a few weeks and then let them outside to explore while you are around to stop them going off. After another few weeks they'll know how to find their way home and you won't have to worry about them. Introducing earth into their litter tray and gradually moving it outside and onto the earth in the garden will show them they can do their business outside and you can dispense with the indoor litter tray eventually. 
3) If you are a kindly cat owner, your cats won't want to find another home and they won't get lost. 
4) Feed little and often while they are babies (their present owner can probably tell you how much etc - or ask a vet) and then you will work out for yourself how much they need a day. Cats don't tend to over-eat when left to themselves. Don't forget to put out water for them to drink. Milk is a food, not thirst quenching. Once they are really settled in, introduce them to the bunny while you are there to supervise any bullying. They will eventually dominate the rabbit and can climb out of his way if he becomes stroppy with them. 
5) I'm not a fan of collars on cats if they go outdoors as there are lots of things they can strangle themselves on. 
6) You'll discover that every cat has a different personality but most of them enjoy human contact. Just take everything slowly and introduce them gradually to new things while you are around to give them confidence. 
Everything is new to them and they will be inquisitive. If you are on hand as 'mum' to keep them safe they'll grow up confident and independent. Just like kids really. On the reverse of the coin - if they misbehave and do things you don't want them to do (like scratch the furniture or steal food) firmly tell them 'No' while they are young to bring them up short and teach them the rules of the house. You are their surrogate mother and should be boss at all times. 
 They will end up ruling you but they will have learned how to behave in your home. Enjoy your cats because they'll bring you years of pleasure.

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