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Why do people spay their cats?

That is a crime. You are taking her right to reproduce because of your personal comfort. Why?
Update: Thank you all for the answers but I'd like to point a few things out: 

1. If removing a cat's reproduction system saves it from cancer in the removed parts, then we should remove heart so we don't get heart cancer, or even remove brain for same reason. 

2. If for you their kittens are unwanted then how does the cat feel? Are your babies unwanted to you? Ever thought about it? 

3. Death from child birth, does this mean humans should as well stop giving birth cause they can die?
4. If homes are the problem then we need to do something about them finding homes. Reproduction is not the problem. Stopping the reproduction is a way to unnaturally control their population and won't solve the problem. Why spend for spaying when you can spend for a campaign calling people to adopt cats? 

5. How would you feel if someone conditioned staying with you with removing your genitals? It's not right. 

6. What's the actual chance of a house cat mating? You people just want comfort.
Because people don't realize that cats are animals and can survive on their own in the wild. And also alot of the reasons given why cat should be spayed/ neutered should be applied to people...  
Why? Because they CARE about all the unwanted kittens born to cats. I have purebred show cats. IMO unless the cat is a top quality purebred cat in a legit breeding program, the cats should be neutered/spayed as a kitten.

All my pet kittens are spayed/neutered, given all shots and worming BEFORE they leave our home at 4 months old. I do this because I'm a responsible person.

Cats can have several litters a year. They can get pregnant soon after giving birth. They can breed as young as 4-5 months old which will kill a kitten that young. They can have complications or die giving birth.

Unless you spay/neuter all kittens your cat has, give shots and keep them until they find homes (not before 3-4 months old), then don't breed any pet.
There are so many unwanted cats with no homes, why create more hungry cold cats? Domesticated cats cannot survive alone as well as you think. It is cruel to breed cats that you know you cannot take care of!

As for your update, everyone is fully aware they can rehome cats, more publicity will not change that there are hundred thousands of cats needing loving homes but not that many people that can afford or are in a situation to have a cat. Home the ones we have, don't breed more.

By your question you clearly don't understand how severe the issue is, I urge you to go down to a cat shelter and really have a good look at the issuend. Not spaying your cat will cause them to wonder of every day and create litters upon litters that we can't home!
Cats are spayed otherwise they will breed unnecessarily leading to more stray cats/unwanted kittens too. Plus when you get a cat maybe female, your first intention may not be to raise a litter of 8 if you only wanted one lol. And for males it eliminates the risk of testicular cancer and stops them for marking their territory all over your stuff. In females it reduces the risk of mammary cancer and tumors in the reproductive tract etc... Unless you are a cat breeder the responsible thing to do would be to neuter or spay. I neutered my boy as soon as possible.

I absolutely disagree that we do this for personal comfort. We are doing this for their health. Some of the illnesses that they contract due to not being spayed or neutered can rake up a lot in vet bills and then what if you can't afford it? I mean if you think you're doing this procedure for your own personal gain you're going about stuff really wrong and not a very good owner either.
Cats should not be freely reproducing because there are already too many unwanted, stray cats. A cat does not know there is an overpopulation of other cats, and is not smart enough to decide if it would be a good or bad idea to have kittens under those circumstances.
I don't think cats truly understand what makes kittens. A cat is not exercising her rights or making a conscious decision to have kittens; it just happens. So it is the human's responsibility to prevent her from randomly having kittens. It won't hurt her feelings; in fact, she will stay healthier and be less stressed if she isn't taking care of kittens all the time. 
It's because cats are overpopulated and too many don't have homes. I heard a statistic somewhere that if people didn't spay and neuter their dogs and cats and they all had four babies, everyone in the united states would need to have something like four cats and six dogs, including people who are allergic, live in areas that can't accomadate them or people who can't afford them. And even if you lived on a large open farm, six dogs and four cats are a bit much.

By spaying and neutering your animals, you're saving thousands if not millions of animals horrible lives of being in and out of shelters and on the streets, not getting enough to eat, not having any shelter or anyone to love them. 
Each year, 2.7 MILLION cats and dogs are euthinized in the US alone. Many dog and cat owners just let their animals wander around the neighborhood. Not only is that irresponsible in the sense that if they used the bathroom in somebody else's yard that person would have to pick it up and the fact that there is a very real danger of the pet getting hit by a car, but if those animals aren't spayed and neutered they could father or mother hundreds of animals that now need homes and food and shelter and love, and are unable to get it.

Now if you're a responsible person and you keep your dogs and cats inside or on a leash, spaying or neutering isn't necessary. It's recommended in case the animal ran away, but it's not necessary. But spaying and neutering protects the animal from STDs, ovarian or uterine cancer in females and testicular cancer in males.

And if a male dog or cat is agressive and hard to care for and making life harder for the family that is taking care of him, neutering him can make him calm and pleasent, instead of the animal that you would want to send to the pound because he's peeing on the walls and eating the curtians.

And in animals like horses, where stallions are gelded but mares are rarely spayed, if you turned a stallion out with a mare you'd almost surely have to do something to the stallion to prevent him from mating with the mare, and many stables don't want to have to constantly keep female and male horses seperated. 
Not to mention stallions are much harder to train and control and mares often have sour attitudes, so you'd have very few sweet horses in the barn. I ride horses and there are two stallions at my barn and whenever a mare is in heat, the stallions are practically unapproachable and the mares are agressive and rude and nobody wants horses that are rude and hard to control. Not to mention that unwanted horses are sent to slaughterhouses and often killed in very inhumane ways.

Dogs and cats should usually be neutered and spayed to protect from cancer or some other dissease, and the only situation in which it's okay not to is if you're responsible and you keep them inside or on a leash at all times. 
As for larger animals like horses, unless they were specifically bred to be a stud animal, they should be gelded. And you mentioned taking away the animals right to breed, but if you spay or neuter your animals, you're removing the glands that produce attraction horemones. I
f an animal is spayed or neutered, it has no sex drive and will be happy to be your friend and nothing else. An animal that has not been spayed or neutered will have a sex drive, and depriving it of mating will be a lot less fun for it than not being able to mate when it doesn't care if it gets to or not. 
There are very few situations when spaying or neutering is a bad idea, and the only time it isn't really nescissary is when it's got very little contact with an animal of the opposite sex, but even then it's still a good idea. Unless you want your pet to have puppies or kittens (which you really shouldn't because there are too many homeless animals already) you should spay and neuter them. 
I definitely dont think that this is taking something away from them or that its for "personal comfort" as you put it.. how would you feel if you helplessly had litter after litter of children, and around 4-6 each time? Thats how it is for cats. I have all 9 of my cats spayed and neutered and im glad i did because if i didnt, all 6 of the females would have litters non-stop with the neighbors cats and our 3 male cats (if they werent nuetered). 
Spaying and neutering keeps down the levels of stray cats and dogs, which most will end up in shelters and be euthanized. If you cared so much about their "rights", then go adopt all those homeless animals that are the product of un- spayed cats. I also dont think that this is a legit question, and as someone else said (Catwings), you're just looking for someone to argue with and possibly just looking for someone who agrees rather than listening to common sense/reason that it would be healthier for cats to be spayed. Its simply responisble, and if you do own pets, you should know that. 
I think that in the wild cats did not live close to each other. Female cats do not produce a fertilisable egg until the moment that the tom cat withdraws from them after sex. This means there is a nice fresh egg ready to make kittens. 
Why would a cat be like this? Because in the wild they might not meet a made very quickly and an egg might be too old by the time they did. I think this means there were fewer cats, fewer opportunities to get pregnant, and of course there was nature taking care of overpopulation. Predators, disease, lack of prey and lack of food to bring up a litter - in the past I think nature kept cats under control. In our crowded modern towns and cities cats live close together so an unneutered mate isn t that hard to find, and they have plenty of food without having to hunt for it. Without spaying and neutering cats would have so many kittens the mothers would be exhausted and the place would soon be over run. Nature did not intend reproduction to be so easy for cats. Spaying restores the balance.

Have you ever smelt the results of an unneutered male marking his territory? He will spray stinking urine everywhere - indoors and out. Even if you don t care if he impregnates every female cat for miles around self preservation alone would make you get him neutered.
Kitties are spayed otherwise they will type needlessly major to more wander cats/unwanted cats too. Plus when you get a cat maybe women, your first objective may not be to increase a trash of 8 if you only desired one lol. And for men it removes the danger of testicular melanoma and prevents them for tagging their area all over your things. In women it cuts down on the danger of mammary melanoma and cancers in the reproduction system etc... Unless you are a cat pet breeder the accountable aspect to do would be to neuter or spay. I neutered my boy as soon as possible.

I definitely don't agree that we do this kind of convenience. We are doing this for their wellness. Some of the diseases that they agreement due to not being spayed or neutered can " rake " up a lot in vet expenses and then what if you can't manage it? I mean if you think you're doing the process for your own obtain you're going about things really incorrect and not a really excellent proprietor either.

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