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How to convince grandma to let her cat breed?

Mr. Casper (Male, Solid white, oriental shorthair) was a stray in the neighborhood but I took him in, got vet work, etc. He's perfectly healthy now but not neutered. I gifted him to my grandmother for Christmas, as she was in the market for a cat and he ways had a special connection with her.

Boo-Boo (Female, Solid black, Bombay)... I'm not sure where she came from. She's about 11 months old, as is Casper, and about to go into heat soon. She belongs to my uncle (He's actually my second cousin or so but he's with the family a lot and we call him uncle).

ShThe entire family wants them to breed (6 people) including my uncle. My grandma just isn't for the idea. She doesn't want to let him go for the week or so they would be together. Both have clean bills of health and carry no bad genes. We can afford the kittens and we would have good homes set for up to ten kittens (our vet wants one, I would take one, my grandma would take one, my uncle would take two, my mom would take one, several friends at church want one).

How can we convince her that letting go of him for a few days would be good?

Update 1: Oh, and Boo isn't spayed. He was waiting until a year.
Update 2: We have the vet run blood and genetic tests on all of our pets to gain more insight on their histories.
There are way to many cats and kittens. What the world does not need is another cute kitty that turns into an unwanted cat. Grandma stand your ground no more kittens. How selfish to breed another cat just for the sake of breeding. 
The poor thing was a stray you do not even know its history or pedigree. How do you know there are no genetic issues? 
The poor thing is not even a year old and you want to breed the cat. Please watch a u tube video of how many cats end up each year because somebody wanted a cute kitten. Your vet wants one? Wow! I never heard of a vet encouraging breeding just for the sake of breeding. You really need to rethink your reasons why you want to breed the cat. 
Do the poor cats a favor and get them fixed. Then go to shelter if you want another cat and adopt one. With all the people wanting one of these mixed breed cats you want to breed, you all should head to the rescue sounds like at least 10 cats would have a second chance.
I agree with the group. There are WAY too many unwanted cats and kittens in the world to just breed more "just because you can". It's not a good idea. There's also more to it than just letting a cat breed. If you don't have the know-how then you shouldn't do it. Breeding is not a game. And I've LOVE to know how you know that these cats have perfect genetic histories. Do you have certified pedigrees for both of them? I'd be shocked to hear if you do.
First of all, these cats have unknown lineage or history, they are not purebreds, they are domestic shorthairs aka no breed mutt cats. Since they have no known breed history, you can't say they don't carry bad genes. They may not have any health problems of their own, but that doesn't mean they don't carry something defective that could be passed to offspring. 
Why do you want to mix these two cats? If you have family that want kittens, they can go look at the shelter. There are plenty there that will die if someone doesn't adopt them. Instead of promoting the breeding of two mutt cats, you should be encouraging your family to spay and neuter them.
I think there is no need to be breeding domestic cats. because ,they are not top quality purebred cats. They are two domestics - one all black, one all white. You may go to your local shelter and adopt a cat or kitten. Yes,grandma is right.Tell the ones that want a kitten they can choose lovely and cute cats at many, many shelters.
Although I agree there are way to many cats in need of homes, I disagree that you should go to the animal shelter! I first would suggest to look in the newspaper for individuals/families trying to get rid of cats for free and only if not able to get a cat that way should yours have its own litter of kittens. So many cats in shelters would be placed into good homes if animal shelters didn't charge so damn much to adopt a kitten/cat. 
Where I live they charge $150 to adopt! I love my cat; Maronita! I was very lucky as I was at a donut shop and telling someone how much I wanted a cat but that I wanted an adult cat and someone turned around and asked if she heard correctly and I assured her she had. She asked if I wanted a male/female cat. I told her it didn't matter. 
She told me she had a female 4/5 year old adult cat she needed to give up and was planning on taking it to the shelter on Monday (this was on a Friday). I told her that yes I would like her but asked if she could keep it for one more week. 
She was delighted to learn her cat would not need to go to the shelter and was more than happy to keep her one more week knowing that she would not then need to go to a shelter. She is quite precious to me.
If you do not know the parents, grandparents, etc of the two stray cats they (1) are NOT purebred cats and (2) no way to test anything genetic wise.

There is NO need to be breeding domesitc cats just because. They are NOT top quality PUREBRED cats. They are two domestics - one all black, one all white.

The both should be neutered/spayed and never bred for any excuse.
Show her videos of the kittens and cats in shelters around the country.
This will enforce her mind not to allow her female mate.
Millions and Millions of cats are euthanized every year.
Let her spay her cat and forget mating her.
People who allow rtheir cats to breed are part of the pet overpopulation problem. There are already to many cats and not enough homes out there, and thousands of perfectly healthy animals are destroyed every year for lack ofg homes. V

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