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My cat swallowed 2 pipe cleaners?

Ask: My cat swallowed 2 pipe cleaners (really thick ones) about two days ago. I forgot about them totally till he vomited this morning he didn't eat at all today.

Should I bring him to a vet tomorrow cos its late and my mum won't drive me now 

I don't know if any vets will be open today anyway cos of xmas should I feed him? He started eating again now but I'm not so sure it's a good idea 

Anna: Yes, you need to take him to the vet right away. That's very dangerous. Don't feed him. Pipe cleaners are sharp and have metal in them, that metal can scratch out his intestinal wall and rip open his stomach. He is in a great amount of danger. Go to the vet as soon as you can.

Jack: He needs the vet - and now. Emergency vets are always open. The longer you wait, the more expensive the surgery to remove them will become. They are highly likely to perforate the intestine, which will become gangrenous and kill the cat. Get him in to the vet today - he should have been there two days ago. In the future know that you cannot keep things like this around. 

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