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Can a male dog breed with is mother?

I have 4 dogs, (3 males, 1 female) The oldest male & the girl have had puppies. One of the puppies who is about a year now has been trying to hump the girl. They fight & he cries & whines a lot now


Yes - of course. 

Your male doesn't know she's his mother and that stopped from the moment he was weaned onto solids. 

However, he must NOT mate with her because any resulting puppies will have all the faults of each, doubled up. Linebreeding, of which inbreeding which this would be, would be the closest form of linebreeding, is done by livestock people and was done in the past with dogs, but these days not enough people know enough about breeding for this to be viable. 

The UK KC won't accept registrations from litters which are the result of inbreeding (ie mother to son, father to daughter and sibling to sibling) in an effort to stop this being done. But that only covers those who do register their litters.

Get her spayed. If she's produced a litter, she's done her bit and there's no need to keep her having seasons. 

There is no need to have him castrated however, provided he can't mate with her. If you have 3 males and one entire b itch, eventually she'll be mated, and/or a big fight will happen between your males.

Dogs will breed with whatever dog is before them. However, this is how mutts are made. Mutts are not real intelligent and many have debilitating traits. 

Please do NOT breed these dogs. Mutts should never be bred. Only breed dogs if they are pedigreed, pure bred dogs with papers. 

It is ok to own a mutt, but please don't breed them. It is proliferating defective puppies, many of which end up in shelters and or euthanized. Keep the breeding to registered breeders.

Yes they can and no they shouldn't be allowed as you are likely to have major genetic problems. It sounds like she is in heat and therefore you should immediately separate and keep two good doors between them.

Fgs get the b*tch spayed.

All of your dogs need to be spayed or neutered. There are free and low-cost places to have it done, so please do your research and make the appointments. 

 Of course, a dog can breed with a relative, just as people can. It is wrong, so please stop it by neutering all your pets. 

You are going to end up with fighting dogs, urine marking, and a dog with malformed pups.

I'd say don't let them breed because I have had a family member who ended up with messed up pups from inbreeding. So, if you have the means, get one fixed so it doesn't happen is my advice. I think it would really help him if he were neutered.

Do not allow these two to breed. Get one of them fixed or sell it/give it away, again do not let these two breed, inbreeding is a big NO-NO.

Once sexually mature, and when she goes into heat, any dog can and will breed with any *****. They don't have the cultural morals of humans.

Yes, but you shouldn't let it happen. The puppies would be inbred. Keep them separated or spay and neuter them.


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