He doesn't have them bad I usually only see them on him like one or two at a time and I bathe him and think they're gone and then end up seeing one again. I've tried flea collars, medicine, baths, bombing my house, I feel like I've done everything and it's not working.
I bathe him and I think I get every corner inch of that dog and they still hide somewhere. I have a 3 month old so I want to get this under control. We havent been bit either. We are not dirty people nor do we have a dirty home but I hate knowing they are on him. Please someone help!
Take the dog to the vet and get the best, safest, and most effective flea prevention there. Flea collars are useless and can even be dangerous. Over the counter medications are of little use.
Baths only kill the fleas which are on the dog at the time of the bath. The other 90% are in the rest of the house and will hop back on the dog for a meal as soon as he's halfway dry.
Every time someone comes here and says they have tried "everything" to get rid of fleas, they have always tried everything except the only thing that actually works, which is getting treatment from a vet. Yes, it will seem to cost more. In the long run it's cheaper and more convenient as well as being more effective.
All I have used for the last 20 years or so to control fleas is topical medication from the vet. In that time, I have seen about 15 fleas on all my cats and dogs, which was as many as 6 animals going in and out all the time. The 20 years before that, before the good stuff was invented, I used all the stuff you have already used. It didn't work then either.
It may take 3 months to completely get rid of fleas, because one stage of the flea (pupae or cocoon) cannot be killed with any of our flea products. The pupae can lie dormant in your environment up to 150 days!! So all the eggs/larvae/pupae that are in your environment will go through the stages until they are ready to emerge into adults.
That is when you can kill the adults and keep them from reproducing anymore. Keep your dog on a good product. We recommend Comfortis, Trifexis, Nexgard, Frontline, and even the Soresto flea collar. All of these are personally recommended by the vets I work with.
The fastest kill would be Comfortis and Trifexis, but they all will do the trick. The reason you keep seeing fleas is that they are emerging from your environment and haven't died yet ---OR that the product you are using now isn't one I listed. Get your dog on one of the products, and use it every, single month from now on. Every 30 days! If you will do that, then within 3 months your flea problem will be gone, and you will never deal with this again.
I have had 7 dogs in this house over the years. I have always used Frontline or Nexgard or Trifexis on them and have never even seen a flea in 16 years. Not a single one. Do vacuum your home daily. Wash everything your dog has been on.
Keep doing that over and over. Your environment will clear, I promise! I am a vet tech. Please don't buy any of the cheap flea powers, collars, cheap flea drops. They don't kill the eggs, and they won't work.
Bathing will not kill fleas, and if you bathe too much, the topicals are less effective, due to drying of the skin. Another hint: Look on the Frontline box for an 800 help number. They can help you personally and are great folks. I am confident this will work.
My best advice is to get a professional exterminator in and the exterminator will put on a suite on while spraying the place with heavy duty poison sprays and possibly some powder though got to make sure the joint is clean first and make sure there's nothing lying around that doesn't need to be there