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What is a reasonable price to ask for dog?

What is a reasonable price to ask for a 3yr old, spayed,up to date on shots,house broken,very loving,AKC registered purebred female Siberian Husky? Want to sell her to a loving home due to moving and can not have a pet. I want to make sure she goes to a good home 
I would call a rescue. I work in rescue. We SCREEN people who want a dog. If you hand your dog off to a stranger, no matter what the price you receive, you run the chance of that dog falling into a very bad situation.

I rescues an AKC Gordon Setter, SOLD to a couple for $75, who was used as a bait dog in a dog fight ring. Couple had the dog for a while, GAVE IT AWAY, and it became a bait dog.

I don't know if it's your plan to try to make money selling the dog, and I DO understand your financial situation. Perhaps your Vet would help. Have you considered asking your Vet about, perhaps, a foster home until you can find an apartment that will accept the dog or asking a rescue or the SPCA about their list of places that will accept the dog? That service is available where I live.

And I've fostered dogs for people who had to relocate, did not want to surrender the dog, and I did it free of charge.

I'd check on resources.

Um first of all I'm not concerned about price I'm just asking so I don't stamp a price on her and have people over look her or have someone that isn't good to take her. Why would I move you ask?? Well I just went through a really rough divorce which all of our money was taken & I can't afford my house with my two children and our dog so therefore I need to move & unfortunately we live in a small town & there isn't many options for renting. I don't understand why people feel the need to judge other people & their situations they know nothing about and make rude comments

There are 2 approaches. Either be very expensive so that only good people really want the dog or give the dog away to a good home. Putting a price tag of $50 on a dog means that it could end up on the restaurant menu. You might try a shelter or a rescue, but they will hope you will pay them. Likewise, the fact that you have your pet and would get rid of it speaks volumes about you.

You don't have an AKC registered purebreed husky, otherwise you wouldn't be selling her.
You have a husky mongrel that you bought from a backyard breeder, and now that you got tired of her, you want to dump her somewhere and at least get some of your money back.
Guess what? She is a mongrel, and old one at that too. She isn't worht even a single penny. Your only choice would be to just throw her in a shelter, or a small 50$ to avoid her ending up as bait.

If you truly wanted to give her a good home, you wouldn't have bought her in the first place.
You are "competing" with shelters in your price. Most shelters will have an adoption fee of $45-60 for an adult dog. You are also going to attract the types of adopters that shelters turn down, and the important thing is to find a good home for the dog. See if there are any Husky Rescues who work in your area, that's the best thing for her.

The AKC papers mean nothing at all since the dog was never shown, titled or anything and if it really was AKC you'd have to return the odg to the breeder.

Te dog is clearly not loved since all you care about is the money and are dumping the dog. The moving excuse is not only asinine and lame, its over used. Dogs do not blow up or go nuclear when moved. Since the only reason you are throwing the dog away is becouse you dont care about it, surrender the dog to a rescue and dont get any more pets
If you really want to make sure she goes to a good home, then turn her over to Siberian Husky Rescue in the area you live in and forget about how much money you should ask for her. The people who involved with purebred rescue groups are experts on screening potential owners and matching the right dog up for them. 
Just use Google or Bing or whatever you use to locate the closest Sibe Rescue. You may not even have to drop her off. She might be able to be picked up directly from your home from someone who transports.

You shouldn't be selling.

You either get the dog back to the breeder and if the dog was good enough there should be a contract to say this should happen.

If not then try and get the dog in with a husky rescue who put all safeguards in place before the dog goes out.
Free or $10-20 just to make sure she goes to a good home. There are millions of homeless, almost-free dogs that people could buy if they wanted to. Unless your dog has won titles, there's nothing special about her that's going to make people want to pay hundreds. Sorry

Want to sell your beloved dog? Can you really put a price on that????
I would be less concerned on how much money I could make, and more concerned on finding her a good home.

Why move somewhere that would not allow pets? I don't understand why people do that.

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