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Is it normal for a puppy to never get scared?

Scary things like loud noises, fireworks, other animals and big moving things usually scare most puppies, but mine seems to just be alert around them at best. 

She didn't cared one bit about all the fireworks, and my sister's poodle is still scared by them!
Is this normal? Or is she just obvlivious to these things?
She is 3 months btw.


My dog is the same it's called phonobia, the fear of loud noises. They don't usually get over it, however it's fairly common. 

This happens often when puppies while still with their mothers aren't introduced to many sounds and loudness.

For ex, puppies born on quiet farms are more likely to have phonobia as opposed to a puppy born in the city.

My puppy is also 3 months old and when the fireworks began she wasn t a bit scared at all. When she first heard it she was startled but not to the point she goes into a corner and hide. 

Yes, its normal for puppy with a sound temperament not to be alarmed by loud and unusual noises or new situations.
It's certainly not abnormal for a puppy to be secure enough not to freak out when hearing a loud bang etc. Assuming she isn't deaf? My Bassets never reacted to fireworks, guns etc. My Whippet raises her head if she hears something when napping. She looks at me and if I tell her it's okay, goes back to sleep.
Sure. Some dogs just aren't bothered by those things. I took my last dog to a fireworks display when she was 3 months old. 
She didn't even notice the noise, and remained like that for the rest of her life, never caring about loud noises. 
How would gun dogs or police dogs ever do what they're supposed to do, if loud noises bothered them?

My dog is not afraid of noises either. Fireworks, storms, lightning, thunder, just to name a few. We had a rather large earthquake about 4 days ago, and he didn't act like he even noticed it.

Sounds like your pup has a very sound temperament and was well cared for and socialised within the first eight weeks while with the breeder.

You have a good dog there.
That's a sign of a better bred pup. A pup that shows fear of the things you mention is poorly bred, genetically deficient pup.
not being scared of everything is what a normal dog should be. The problem dogs are the dog which are scared of everything.

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