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I really want a cat/dog, but parents are against it.......?

I fully understand the responsibilities and attention that come with a dog or a cat, and want one with all of my heart, but my parents are being really hard to talk to about the whole thing.

Whenever I ask my mom about a kitten, she barely answers, and whenever I ask my dad about a dog, he always ends up yelling at me.

I found this website where you can get them for free, even some of them are neutered and house trained and everything, but they were still against it.

We used to have a dog, but she was stolen, and I loved her.This was five years ago and I've wanted another pet ever sense, and my parents really liked our dog.

We have a big house, not much of a yard, but it would be perfect for a house cat/dog, and I only want one. They're convinced that they're gonna tear up the furniture or something, even though that's absolutely ridiculous.

Plenty of my friends have dogs, and their houses look like a magazine.We used to have a hamster, but she died of age, and as adorable as she was, was pretty boring. 

I'm an only child and it gets lonely. I just want someone to play with when I can't have any friends over, and someone to love.I asked them a year ago for a while, and they said ask us again after summer, -we'll consider it.But then, they signed me up WITHOUT Telling me, to be a foreign exchange student in a country who's language I don't understand at all, and are saying no wait til next summer, you'll be over in another country this summer.How can I convenience them to get a pet?

Update 1: Pamela- I understand that, and I have even offered to pay for the dog or cat and everything out of my bank account ( I've been saving up for a while), so it's not the money that's an issue. I know it's their house though, but I'm not spoiled so I don't appreciate you saying that I am. I value all the things that I have. I almost never ask for new items, and a pet is really the only thing I want.
Update 2: Pamela-I've been saving my money sense 1st grade, that's 7 years. I've got well over 1,500, which would cover the shots and most of the medical stuff, but I will be making more money during those 10-15 years. That is a good point though, so I'm glad you brought it up :D I've gotta think about these things!
Update 3: Woah ok so I'm not gonna get a 1500 dollar dog, so sorry if I was unclear. I am gonna use that for the medical bills. I have a pet store in mind that sells cats for 40$ so don't freak out, and Paul/ Daniel, I don't mean to sound whiny or anything. X-box? Please. No, don't own one of those nor do I have any interest in owing one.
Update 4: Ok stop pretending like you know everything. She WAS stolen. We got her because there was a problem with her leg. She was supposed to be in a program for autistic children, but couldn't function properly. We had her for about 4 months. We were going to get her papers. but the organization she was from came to our house one night after we called them about an issue, and they said" well take her for tonight for special training. She'll be back tomorrow. " never saw her again.

Write an essay on it. Lots of kids don't want them enough to write an essay. 

Move out
You dont understand the responsibility of having a pet. No kid does. You have school six hours a day so you have no time for a dog or cat and can't own, adopt or buy one and can't afford its care

The fact you refuse to respect your parents and wont stop whining and begging and pestering them for a pet you will never take care of only proves you will not only never take care of it, you will be bored of it in a week.

You HAD a dog that your parents gave away. It wasn't stolen kid. Your parents gave it away.

"I'm an only child and it gets lonely. I just want someone to play with "

And we come to the real reason why you want a pet. You want a toy you can play with when ever you want then think you can ignore it when ever its not convenient to take care of it

That piddly 1,000$ you ahve wont even cover a fraction of the care a pet needs.

Explain the positives of having a cat/dog, and make sure they understand that getting one will lead to your eternal happiness, show to them that you are responsible. 

You could start a pet sitting company which will show your parents that you are ready to take care of an animal of your own. 

The money from the pet sitting can be used for expenses towards the dog/cat. If all else fails, then give them the puppy dog/cat eyes :)

You can't "convince" your parents to do anything kid. No means no, regardless of you hearing them or not. 

They don't want a pet, don't want to deal with it, so they are not getting you a pet. Since you are underage, it will not be your dog, and anything it does would be your parent's responsability, regardless of what you say. 

They are the ones who will give them a house, pay it's medical bills, and supplies.
Feel free to keep asking every two months or so, but again, no means no.

Lastly, 1,500 is barely enough to pay for a puppy, and less than adequate for regular expenses if you adopt from a shelter.

It is their house, or apartment.
They pay the bills and buy everything that is needed to take care of their family. 

If they don't want a dog or cat that is their business and don't have to answer to some whiny, spoiled brat of a kid. 

When you grow up and get an education, and a job and a place of you own to live then you can get all the animals you want. 

For now respect their wishes and let it go.

Do you have money to pay for the medical care of a animal for 10-15 years,,,

If you have tried EVERYTHING then I guess you will have to wait until you move out. In the time being, you could ask if you could volunteer at a local animal rescue. It's not the exact same, but it's better than nothing. :)

i usually recomend getting a fish first... as a test of childs willingness to take care of it

stop wining...... dogs cost money. LOTS of money... health care is $900 to $1400 in the first year alone ........go play on your x box

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