But try telling the same word to the mailman or truckdriver or to people outside when your dog was off the leash it bit someone?
Their dogs they are vicious and you need t keep them on leash when walking in public because?
Because my sister owns a Bichon Fries and my girlfriend owns a Pomeranian.
And every time I walk my sister dog a Bichon Frise some German Shepherd or Rottweiler and most often Pitbull comes up running to my dog and starts biting him for no reason.
I stop it and same think happens to my girlfriends dog big dogs have dangerous prey drive and instincts?
I believe big dogs are vicious and needs to be kept on leash in public places?
To start, I have seen plenty of people walking their dogs off-leash (mostly border collies xD) and as long as the dog is very well trained around other dogs and especially people then its perfectly safe and legal.
Many owners including myself believe their dogs are sweet % harmless. Around them.
A lot of dogs wouldn't lay a paw on their owners but strangers and other dogs are a different business, that is where good training comes in.
I believe that in public places all dogs need to be kept on leashes no matter how friendly or trained they are, dogs are still unpredictable and its for everyone's safety, not only its about safety its also by respecting the public, because not everyone likes dogs and may be frightened of them , so at least if they were on the lead, they know they are under control. I believe dogs should only be let off somewhere suitable.
I think all dogs should be on a leash, regardless of size. Some people think their dogs are sweet and harmless because the dog is probably good with them.
I'm assuming they are unaware how they act towards strangers and other dogs, or they don't care.
Horse Lover:
My dog is 7 years old and she has never bitten anyone and she loves the neighborhood kids. I would never take her in public off leash because I don't trust other people around her.
People do not know how to correctly approach a dog. They talk to them in a high pitched voice (making the dog nervous), they approach the dog with hand held out (making the dog nervous), Kids run up to the dog (making the dog nervous), They reach over the dog's head to pet it ( making the dog feel threatened).
Not all dogs are aggressive they react more out of fear or nervousness. Many dogs are also not trained, socialized or exercised enough causing them to bite out of frustration.
I do 100 percent disagree that big dogs are vicious,BUT if the dog in this case a Pitbull was biting your dog it's not the dog it's the owner so you can have a small cute dog and is very very aggressive,size doesn't matter.
I have seen big dogs who are very sweet,but if the owner did not socialize the dog in public places and lets them free there is going to be an accident and it will lead to putting the dog down owners may go to jail and so on.......no dog should be free in public places even if you have a sweet dog.
You are welcome to your views of course, but they are not necessary right. In the UK, owners are required to have their dogs under control.
Unless areas are specifically posted, however, there are no laws at the moment requiring dogs to be kept on leads and for me that would be such a shame if it happened.
Mine need a run where appropriate. If your dogs are being attacked by other dogs, as the police are taking more notice of dog on dog attacks these days, any attack like this needs to be reported - better yet if you know where the dogs live and who their owners are.
All dogs need to be properly trained and controlled. Your views are a tad excessive.
ps I have never said, or thought that my dogs would never hurt a fly. They are dogs - animals. However, I take every precaution to make sure they do NOT bite.
Scarred Decoy:
First, prey drive has nothing to do with it. Second, the majority of dogs, 98% of them, are owned by idiots who have no idea what REAL training is, therefore, their dogs should be muzzled and leashed and walked only at night, regardless of what breed and size they are.
Third, judging by your writing, you are either 6 or in bad need of learning how to properly write sentences.
Lastly, for your info, I have always and will always walk my personal dogs off leash, but, I am in that 01% category.
You really should not let your experiences give you such a fouled up view.
But contrary to your "believes" and your little rant, you are so wrong.
Maybe when you grow up and stop acting like a pouty 4 year old you'll realize that.