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My dog can't poop and we don't have the money for a vet. Is there anything at home we can do?

Alright so yesterday we took my grandma/uncle s dog in because he hasn t been able to poop for I believe two days. 

My uncle s solution was to just put him down (both my family and my uncle and gradmother are very tight on money right now. 

My dad just got laid off and my uncle hasn t been able to get as many hours in at work) so my mom decided we would take Gumby (the dog) home since he is my dogs kid. 

I really don t want to have Gumby put down but we really don t have the money for a vet right now. 

Is there anything we can do at home to fix this or make it better? 

Please answer soon, it s been three days he hasn t pooped now.


Dogs generally don't just get constipated - this could be as dangerous as a bowel obstruction from a tumor or something he has eaten. 

The only thing you can really try at home is canned pumpkin as that has a laxative effect. Don't try the enema at home, as the dog is not going to cooperate, and you risk perforating the colon with it, and getting bit. 

The longer you wait, the more impacted the dog is going to get. Go online and apply for Care Credit, and you will have 6 months to pay the bill. If the pumpkin doesn't work by tomorrow, then you either need to suck it up and get the dog in to the vet, or surrender him to a shelter. 

They will likely euthanize him, as shelters don't have money for vetting other than the basics. 

How sad - but with a pet comes the financial responsibility for that pet. Either treat him or do the right thing and don't allow him to suffer - that's cruel. 

Sounds like the dog has a possible blockage in the intestines. 

By giving it something to make the stool looser, it could cause even more problems. 

 If this problem isn't taken care of soon, the dog will be poisoned and most likely die. 

Maybe the vet would let you make payments, or borrow some money from friends or other family members and get the dog to the vet.

If you live in the UK and you unemployed or on any benefits you can get free treatment for your dog. All you need is proof of your benefits. 

 Even if it’s just reduced council tax you can apply to the PDSA or Dogs Trust for their help. I think that Blue Cross might also help. 

There are vets in other parts of the world who will agree to spread the payments, consequently you should telephone them and ask before you arrange an appointment. 

There is also an organization called Credit Care, Google Creditcare for dogs however this may not be available in the UK.

Yes, you can watch it squirm as it dies in horrendous pain because of your neglect and lack of funds.
If you don't have money for the vet, you don't own a pet, it's that simple. 

Maybe this will traumatize you enough to stop you from ever getting another pet and make it go through the same because of your neglect and your preference for money.

Getting him put down is going to be more expensive than an office visit and the vet probably telling you to give him pumpkin. 

Also there is such a thing as care credit that you can apply for and if you're so "broke" then how in the hell can you afford frigging internet?! 

Get your damn priorities straight and lose the internet, sell some stuff and save your dog's life rather than making cop out decision of killing him because you're "too broke". Also if you're "so broke" then do the most HUMANE THING, it's called SURRENDERING him and that is FREE! DUH!

Please do not put him down.My dog didn't poop once for at least 4 days.

The next day,he pooped. Just check if there is any change in his food or it could even be that he ate something he wasn't supposed to,like a toy or a piece of cloth.Just wait and don't give up on him.

Give the dog 1 teaspoon of pumpkin for every ten pounds of body weight. You can pick up a can of pumpkin puree for a couple bucks. 

Don't worry, the dog will like the pumpkin, mine do. He'll probably poop by tomorrow. 

Or, you can give him a bowl of milk. Milk always gets my dogs pooping. It should work in a few hours.

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