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How did my dog die?

Hello, my dog was sick lately, she starting losing her appetite, and kept breathing heavily , deeply, with weird noises, I thought she was just snoring or something but my family thought she was sick but we didn't know it would cause her death

This morning I took her to the vet and she died. They told me she had "fluids" in her lungs? She was only 3 years old can smeone please tell me what happened or have any hint?


Most likely your dog died of congestive heart failure which causes fluid to build up in the lungs. Your dog may have been able to be saved were the vet to have used a nebulizer on your dog. 

Were you to have noticed this sooner and taken your dog to the vet sooner, most likely your dog would still be alive. 

Remember a pet is a member of the family and when a sickness in a human becomes serious one will be in the doctor's office as soon as possible or go to the emergency room of a hospital as fast as possible. 

Sorry for your loss. I suggest waiting a month and then get another dog. Now it's time to grieve.

She might have punctured a lung earlier, which can happen from nearly any collision with something. You wouldn't have known right away, because usually the only symptom is it being hard to breathe. 

Once a lung is punctured, it tends to fill with fluid and prevents oxygen from getting to the blood. 

The dog can't tell you what's going on, and even if it could talk, the dog would have no clue what's going on.

Didn't the vet have any idea why your dog passed away? If she had fluid in her lungs, i'm not sure if it could be something like pneumonia or what?

Im sorry your dog is gone.

May have been the heart, kidneys, and whatever caused the fluid in the lungs. Just lost my 16 year old Border Collie the morning of December 29, 2015. 

She was in 3rd stage kidney failure. She raised up to turn around and was dead before she hit the floor. 

Her actions were the same as you stated, lost appetite, breathing very heavily and deeply. She was breathing in and out through her mouth. HTH

Sound like pneumonia. Thus the fluid on her lungs, heavy breathing and poor appetite. A dog of any age can get pneumonia.


the vet should be able to tell you more. My only guess is some type of canine pneumonia. Sorry for your loss.

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