A) Hitler
B) Cheeseburger
C) Super Stink
D) Gargamell (smurfs)
F) Bill Cosby (my fav)
G) Idiot
H) Hilary Clinton
I) Big Rapist
A Rotweiler is a tough breed give him a name he will be proud of like a leader Major or a leader , Duke or Prince Maybe play on the German lineage Definitely not Hitler, some vet will kick you both to the curb.
So how about Willy for Willhelm or Ludwig, Wolfgang sounds real Rotty to me you can shorten it to Wolf and it still sounds proud.
Considering there a German breed you could go for hitler but it won't go down well with everyone so what about a German name like Wolfgang ??
Cheeseburger, so that when he gets lost you will be walking down the street yelling for a cheeseburger
Why not Lucifer?