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What toy can I get my new cat that ONLY likes playing with string?

I recently adopted a 6 year old cat. She has been affectionate from the very beginning, but she is starting to drive me nuts! 

She's constantly meowing for attention, but she doesn't like any toys. I cuddle her, but she will only accept so much of this. 

The only thing she'll play with is string that I drag around and even then she quickly gets tired of it and just watches me as a run around the apartment dragging it.

I bought her a harness and a leash, thinking she might like to watch birds out on the patio, but she doesn't seem to like being outside at all. She comes right back in. She likes watching bird videos online, but I want her to get some exercise.

I would like some ideas of toys I could get her. These are some things I've already tried that she doesn't like: ping pong balls, catnip, feathers, toy mice, cat balls with bells and shakers inside them, laser pointer, toy mouse on a string that squeaks when touched, toy fish on a string. 

I've also given her crumpled up paper, foil and other weird things I had laying around like hair elastics, plastic straws, empty plastic bottles and she doesn't like these either. She'll look at them and then look away.

I know that she's bored because she'll run at various toys on the ground (ping pong balls or mice) as though she wants to play with them, but will start meowing as if to say 'are you gonna play with me???' But when I do roll a ping pong ball at her, she has no interest in it. HELP!


How long ago did you adopt her? A lot of adult cats from shelters have NEVER been played with so it just takes time and patience.

Get lure toys - a wand with a string and a toy on the end of it and wave that around for her to attack. If she doesn't play don't get pissed at her and try another toy just keep dragging it around corners, dangling above her head. Eventually she'll get the hang of it.

DO NOT let a cat play with hair elastics! If swallowed they are DEADLY as they will tangle up and choke off the intestines. DON'T leave them "laying around"!!!!!

Don't use a laser pointer, either. Incredibly frustrating for cats as it's prey they can never catch.

Some cats simply don't like to play, though. That doesn't mean she'll get fat. That has to do with DIET. 

Make sure you're feeding a food that's made with real meat and grain free as well as quality canned food. Don't feed grocery story dry food as it has NO real meat and is made mostly of corn.

At 6 years old she should be getting past the playing with silly things part of her life. It doesn't sound like you and she are on the same page and you are getting frustrated because she isn't giving you "kitten signals". 

If she is crying for your touch and you don't want to give her what she needs, then perhaps she isn't a good fit for you. 

One toy I've found that ALL kittens love and a lot of adults too, is the plastic ring with the ping pong ball inside it. But before you go buying MORE toys, re-evaluate your needs but most importantly HER needs. 

Try "DeBird" toy - its a spinning toy that has a feather on the end that the cats will chase. Some cats like certain toys. I'm surprised your cat doesn't like feather toys on a string. 

Get a cat wand cats like to chase things that move like your string. Cats are natural ambush predators so moving the toy behind something gets them going. 

Get her a laser cat toy. Just don't shine it in her eyes. You can sit on the couch and just move it around the room. 

Most cats also really like playing cat and mouse where they're the mouse and you're the cat. And it's really just like playing with a 3 year old - you just kind of get down on the floor and play hide behind something and play like peek-a-boo and let them jump out at you. 

They think they're hiding and then they like to pounce out at you and then they run and hide behind furniture or something. Also just put on a heavy sweatshirt and cover your hands and let it go ballistic on your arm and kind of wrestle it while you sit on the couch watching tv or something. 

Just a few minutes a day of stimulation a couple of times a day and when it is being quiet and mellow you can just pet it or give it a little head scratch. Otherwise just get some little balls it can kick around and it will entertain itself eventually. 

Or get a 2nd cat and they can play with each other. Cats are really just natural predators - they like to hunt and wait out their prey - so you pulling the string thinking the cat is uninterested is really just the cat waiting for the right time to pounce. 

You could just as easily sit in a chair and dangle the string rather than walking around the whole house. 

 Play with different types of string. My cat loves the string from hooded sweatshirts so I just pulled one out of an old sweatshirt and it's his favorite. A giant roll of ribbon works well too. 

"She likes watching bird videos online" That has put a huge smile on my face. She sounds like a tech kitty. 

Just like teens, she doesn't want to go outside or engage with the real world, has the attention span of a rock and demands to be the centre of everything. 

Don't despair, my cats are the same with the exception of online habits. I bought them all kinds of toys and the only thing one of them will play with is tweezers. 

But at least mine go outside for most of the day and night. Try and be strong, just ignore her. She needs to adapt to you, not the other way around 

Try this thing called a Cat Dancer I think? It's basically a bouncy wire that is very unpredictable so cats don't get so bored of it.
Source(s): Our 2 cats love it

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