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Who can i tell about my local kennels when i know they are making dogs ill with kennel cough?

my dogs escaped when my babysitter let them out even though she was told not to as the fence in my garden had come down they were captured by the local warden and put in there kennels they were in 5 days before i even knew about the dog warden and due to the excessive charges by the kennels and the fine i was only able to afford to get one dog back the one dog i did get back has come home extremely ill with kennel cough is there any way i can report the kennels and who is responsible for the vet bill is it me or the kennels as it clearly is their fault
Update: I thought asking a question would then allow people with the knowledge to answer then answered. Little did I expect a bunch of "imbo's" with at the extent the knowledge to copy and paste a wikipedia diagnosis would attempt to respond. So for you "wikivets" if you had of read the question i wasn't looking for a wiki diagnosis i
Update 2: had already taken the dog to the vets who was fully qualified and had far more knowledge on the severity of the infection which determines the treatment but of course your home remedy clearly not qualified in my opinion is enough for me to say your morals are as your trying to make mine out to be plus what makes your response so wrong you have no clue as to the situation nor what i have done to try and get the other dog back yet you choose to be so ignorant you got the question wrong to then
Update 3: proving you can copy and paste i know the morals of leaving the dog behind so let me explain to u what took place then look at your response to my original question and i guess you can stick that in high moral pipe and smoke it. Firstly i will tell you i am a single mother of 4 children on a low income and my two dogs were brothers and 9 months old coming up for and the fencing wasn't being left or not repaired i have had to replace the fencing panel by panel and put it in myself i had reached
Update 4: the last panel and i had a few bits of board put there but by no means a secure fence hence my reasoning for getting new now i had to pop out and my babysitter was told if the dogs wanted out then she would have to watch them by going out with them as i did and she did but they took off when she did and not coming back so i was only gone from the house about 90 mins as i was at an interview and when i got she was frantic i straight away went with their leads looking all over the neighbourhood
Update 5: asking people i passed had they seen them going in shops and nothing for 3 days and i had reached quite streets away and a man came out of his house as he had seen me outside in his street calling the dogs with the leads and he said was i looking for two i said yes he said he had two dogs that had smelt his bitch in season and were outside his door so he took them in over night and he then telephoned the warden who collected them from his house so they were not running all
Update 6: over the streets he took them in the same night they got away now he then gave me the number to phone to get them back so called they had two dogs that matched the description of my dogs i was over the moon and then he said but i wouldn't get them back unless had £282 to pay before they release them £60 of that was the fine and administration fee the kennelling fee now i do not have any saving i have alot of mouths to feed and clothe and care for so i went around every where i possibly could
Update 7: could to beg and borrow i managed to get £160 together and i put to them their main interest is surely getting the dog s back to the owners not to keep them in the kennels and could i possibly earn the bill off by cleaning kennels out until i had they were not prepared to help me in getting him back i now have to try and track which kennels he has gone to and apply through their procedures which also alot of money. So my question to you is how instead of me making the choice i had no
Update 8: no choice they would not move a inch so the question you should have asked is not how did i choose how did they have the right to make me choose how have they got the right to charge you that amount for making your dog ill why did they think that it was ok to put my dog in re-homing rather than with me where he had been since he was 8 weeks old
So as I understand this, your two dogs escaped because the babysitter let them out and they were caught by your local Warden and put into kennels.

1. Why did you let 5 days go by before you discovered where your dogs were? Presumably you were left a note telling you where they were and asking you to pick them up in any case. 

2. As your agent (your babysitter) allowed this escape then by default, YOU are at fault for not making sure your dogs couldn't escape - even if the fencing came down, you could have put in a temporary repair so they could either be let out without escaping, or had your babysitter take them out on a lead to empty 

3. As for the kennel cough - when numbers of dogs are together it's totally possible that at least one had KC when admitted and as this spreads like wild-fire, even if the dogs are vaccinated (it's usually the viral kind and will mutate), your dogs were almost bound to pick this up. If they were utd with their boosters, even if the virus had mutated, this should have enabled them to shake off the KC faster than had they not been vaccinated. KC isn't usually life-threatening - some puppies and the elderly can suffer a lot and occasionally it goes to pneumonia. Otherwise apart from the affected dogs being laid low by the coughing, which can be treated with a kids'dose of cough medicine, it's only temporary. 

4. Lastly, you have paid for only one of your dogs to come home? How COULD you do that!!!

Can you prove your dogs picked this up while in this kennel????? If there is KC locally, they could have contracted this by just running the streets.

Sorry but I think you are on a hiding to nothing here - please go pay for the other dog assuming it's still languishing in kennels and sick at that.

Add - Regardless of your comments, my response as above, stands. Ignorance (about the Warden situation) isn't an excuse and again your babysitter was your agent so it's your responsibility (or hers if she checked the fencing and wasn't happy with the situation) to leave her with a secure area for your dogs. Didn't the Warden leave a note telling you where your dogs were? I hope you find the money to get your other dog back.
You can't complain to anyone, because there is no way for the kennel to prevent kennel cough. If it takes in dogs that are running loose on the streets, there will always be a risk for such diseases. In fact, your dog could have caught the disease whilst it was on the streets- you don't know it caught it in the kennel, and you have no way to prove either way. Now if dog owners were responsible and vaccinated against such diseases, that risk would be reduced, or perhaps even removed completely. All my dogs have been vaccinated, and often used to go into kennels. They have never caught kennel cough.

You are responsible for the dog's vet bills. It is your dog, and even if you told the babysitter not to let it out, in the eyes of the vets, kennels and dog warden you are the one responsible for it getting out and ending up in a situation where it could catch an illness because your garden wasn't secure. You were lucky the dog wasn't hit by a car and killed. If you knew the fence was down, you could have done something temporary to fix the problem. When the fence separating my garden from my neighbour's blew down, we bought a load of heavy blocks to build a temporary wall until someone could come around to fix it.
lol.. it is NOT 'clearly' their fault.

It is very difficult to keep kennel cough out of kennels when dogs are coming and going all the time.

The fault is CLEARLY with you for the dogs getting out even if your babysitter is the person who actually let them into your garden with the fence partly down.

Nobody will take any notice at all about their being kennel cough at a kennels. Generally kennel cough is nothing to worry about anyway. Just give benelyn and manuka honey.
You can't blame the dog wardens for doing their jobs.

Your dog got kennel cough because you didn't vaccinate him for it.
It's not the dog kennels fault that you don't vaccinate your dogs. Since your dogs weren't vaccinated, they could have brought the kennel cough in to the kennel and exposed the other dogs there.

I hate it when animals suffer because of people poor decisions and irresponsibility.
Stop blaming other people for this situation. It WAS your fault the fence wasn't secure enough to hold your two dogs. It is your legal responsibility to keep your dogs in your own yard. You can't blame the babysitter because YOU didn't maintain your fence .... geesh!

To leave one dog behind is unthinkable ... guess that's dogs life didn't have as much value to you.
I would have begged or borrowed the money from friends or family to get my dog sprang from the shelter!

If you are going to be mad at someone .... put the blame where it sits. This is all on you.
Kennel cough always sounds 100 times worse than it actually is and there isn't a public kennel without it. Not even most veterinary practices. Tell anyone you want. It won't make a difference but your dog will be fine. Even if you do nothing at all that wracking cough will go away in a few weeks on it's own.
You have to share the blame for not fixing the fence - dogs need to go out to do their business. Write a formal letter to the dog warden and the kennels that they have to sign to receive listing your grievances and saying you`d like them to cover the costs. 

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