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One of my cats loves cake, what do i do?

One of my cats loves cake, what do i do?
cake is bad for cats right?
Cats are very picky, I have noticed. Cake is not entirely bad for them, but just isn't a healthy life-style. If they like cake, give them cake, every GREAT while. Give them cat food, because if they eat cake every day, that can lead to being over weight, and diabetes. 
There's nothing in cake that is nutritionally good for cats. Hey, I know kids who, if given their own choice, would live on candy and soda and nothing else. Yea, cake isn't good for your cat even though he may love it. You can give him an occasional tiny bit but that's all as a very special treat (and only a very tiny bit).
As long as the cake is not chocolate or has chocolate in or on the cake, a little nibble will not hurt. But IMO just keep the cake where the cat cannot get it.
Mine does to lol and she ate almost a whole cake and she had to go to the vet and it gave her worms. She Gets up on our counters and rips open chips and everything she will eat anything she sees. We bought her Temptations (Cat treats) So she wouldn't do that anymore and she's stopped. We give her 6 treats a day (They are really really tiny) And now she's not even trying to get in our food.
Mamma Cat:
Yes. Cats are obligate carnivores which means they need animal protein to survive. Cake isn't in their diet. Not only will you be introducing teeth problems, but diabetic problems later in life.
Yes it is bad for them most cakes have chocolate and whipped cream and or fruits and the ingredients are flour,baking soda,milk and these are t good for them so just stick to treats😄

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