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Is it okay to leave my cat for 3 weeks?

I have a 2 month old kitten. He is very kind and loves being with me. Im going on a vacation in 6 months (july). Will my cat be grown enough to be alone for 3 weeks? I have alot of family in my area and they can feed him while im gone. I know alot of people who leave their cats when they go on a vacation 
When you go on vacation, your cat will be entering the terrible teens of kittyhood. YES, he will be ok, but he will also be hopped up on all that endless kitty energy again.

It would benefit him immensely to not only have someone stop by and feed him, but to also give him some good playtime. You don't want to come home to everything destroyed, which can be a really big misconception of cats. If your cat was 2 years or older? Ok, they can get away with an interactive toy or two and some cuddles and food and be done with it, but because he will still be a kitten when you leave, please, I URGE you to also have scheduled playtime with whomever you choose to watch him.
As long as hes checked on daily. If you have someone who can come in to feed, scoop the litter box and play with him a bit, he should be fine. It's less stressful than boarding him too. I've never left my cat for 3 weeks, but I have left him for a few days and had my mom come in twice a day to feed and play with him. He did very well. Its better for them to have a familiar face and stay in a familiar place. 
As long as someone check in on him and hakes sure he has food and water he will be fine. It would be better if they can move him in for that 3 weeks.
Cats are very self sufficient as long as ppl feed him and give him his needs he will b fine
Too young. can"t a family member tske him or stsy at your place

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