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Is there a chance my cat has mental problems?

sometimes she is sweet and nice but other times she gos nuts for no reason. Last week she attacked a trash can. Can a vet check to see if she is schizophrenic 
Everyone saying cat's can't have problems like that is quite wrong. I've owned a cat with a mental problem just like this, and I've seen another cat suffer from severe hallucinations.
Cats are tiny balls of energy. While you CAN just leave them as they are, they do need exercise and playtime to let out their energy. If your cat isn't stimulated enough, they can become bored with too much energy inside them, and start acting like they're going crazy. Make sure your cat has plenty of toys to play with. Jingly balls, ping pong balls (that seems to be a favorite among most cats), fuzzy mice, etc. Try a bit of everything, and find what your cat likes the most. Get a stick toy, with a ball or feathers on the end, and play with them until they run out of energy.

If that doesn't work, investigate the areas that she freaks out in. Be sure to watch closely when she does it, and be VERY aware of what happens during those times. Is there a certain noise that you hear each time before or during, such as a soda can or a car horn? Is someone doing something each time, such as making an arm motion or opening a door? Is it night time, or day time? Same time every day? Same PLACE every day?

There is never "no reason" for strange behaviors, just sometimes ones we don't see right away, or can't see. Take record (on paper and/or in video) of these behaviors, and share them with the vet. If the vet isn't familiar with your cat, include video footage of her behaving normally, as well, so they can see the contrast.
To be honest, it's pretty hard to tell with a cat. It's very possible that your cat has a mental illness. It could also just be high strung, which can be handled a number of ways. There are cats with mental and anxiety problems just like there are people. You know your cat better than any of us answering so I'd say if you feel that there's something wrong with your cat then it's time for your cat to see a vet.
It's a cat thing. They'll do things like stalk and chase invisible prey, or go tearing around the house in the middle of the night. You might make sure she has some cat toys to amuse her--you can buy her some, but even an empty paperbag or box will provide the both of you endless entertainment. Regular vet visits and proper vaccinations are in order for any pet. Is she spayed? Cats can act weird when in heat, yowling incessantly and rubbing against everything and everyone in sight. Unless you are a professional breeder, there is no reason for your cat to have kittens. Shelters are overflowing with them...those that weren't just cruelly dumped outside somewhere when the owner realized a litter of kittens quickly becomes a clowder of cats. 
According to me,Cats can't have mental problems like that.This is normal with cats. So You wouldn't be worried about that.There might be something that is making her feel threatened or may be bored. We should know that we have a responsibility for your cat and need to come up with ways to play appropriately.Then only they do not get bored and also cats play around with all sorts of stuff. May be there was some food inside that which she loves.
I believe cats can have mental problems but before you assume that its a mental problem try to rule out any possibility that it could not be a mental problem. check the areas where the cat freaks out to make sure that a smell is not the cause , also it would kind of depend on the age of the cat too . if it is a kitten s or up to a year( even sometimes beyond a year) there mood swings could be asosiated with that or if they arnt fixed . its a good concern though
More likely your cat is bored. Cats in the wild hunt, eat, then sleep. In our homes, they don't need to hunt for food, so they are left with eating and sleeping, which is not natural. You need to come up with ways to stimulate your cat to play appropriately. Get a cat tree and put it up in front of a window. Put a bird feeder outside the window. 
 At the vet hospital where I work, this is what we did. It really helps. If it is your only pet, take her food and put it into 5-6 little bowls, and each morning hide them all over your house. Make her hunt for her food inside. Use laser toys. 
Find out whether your cat prefers bird toys, bug toys, or mouse toys, by getting one of each. Then once you know, buy several varieties in that category for your cat. These things can definitely help. Also get her treats and toss them across the floor and make her chase them. 
Cats can't have mental problems like that.
Its just a cat thing. When she is running around, she may be bored and want you to play with her.
There might be something that is making her feel threatened that may not even seem scary to you. She may also have lots of energy in her and doesn't quite know how to let it out! You could buy a scratching post or some (more) toys... 
When she has these outbursts just bring out a laser pointer or start whistling, or some other way of distracting her other than picking her up or touching her as this might be a danger to you. If none of that works, then see a vet to see what they can do. She might just need temporary medication to balance her moods out just as sometimes a human might
It sounds to me like you just have a curious, playful kitty. I don't think cats can have schizophrenia, but they can definitely be mentally ill with things like anxiety or depression. If your cat is young maybe get her declawed (it is not bad to do I am a vet) I just bought little nails that you can put over your cats claws to keep them from damaging the furniture or scratching you. She probably saw something on the trash can and wanted to check it out. Cats are predators by instinct and like to stalk everything then jump on them.

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