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Cat constantly thinks she starving? what should we do?

I have two cats that act like they are completely starving, but we measure out exactly what they are to eat everyday (because they are a little overweight) Are they are tricks to switch a cat from scarfing their food down to being able to graze?


If you're feeding them dry food, particularly cheap dry food, they ARE starving—for protein, and that's why they are acting like they're starving. 
Cheap dry cat food is mostly carbohydrate, which does not make a cat feel full. Protein, not carbohydrate, makes a cat feel full. So your cats really do feel hungry all of the time, which is a horrible way to live.

If you switch them to a high-quality canned food, they can eat until they feel full. High-quality canned food is about 95% protein and water, which is what cats are evolved to eat, and they will not get overweight on it. 
Normal adult cats should eat about 6 ounces of food per day. So if you split one 5.5- or 6-ounce can between them twice a day, they should stop scarfing their food down. 
Not immediately, but within a few days. Then they will eat their food a few bites at a time over several hours, as cats prefer to do.
Cats are biologically predisposed to eat about 6-8 times a day. Put out three or more small dishes and every few hours drop a little kibble in each dish. This will get them moving to find the food as well as stop the feeling of hunger. 

Be sure your cat food is meat-based, not corn-based. The ingredients list should start with a meat. 
Hopefully in the first five listed ingredients are two meats and no corn, soy, or by-product. Getting the proper nutrition will also help them feel satiated rather than always hungry. 


Cats should not "graze" eating like a cow does. They should be on 2 meals a day with a set amount of food. Dry food can lead to overweight cats and lots of other health issues. Best to feed canned and/or raw and very little dry.

No. And cats should be meal fed - letting the food out for them to graze on is the primary cause of them being overweight to begin with.

Once you have weighed out the food, put it into smaller portions and feed them more often. I used to give mine a small feed in the morning, one at lunch time, one at tea time and the rest when I go to bed. Don't give in to their pleading for more!!

They act like they are starving? Now that's a first.if they are eating and drinking fine they are fine.

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