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My kitten won't stop meowing?

i swear it's all she does. every 5 seconds. she is very young, i just got her on saturday and she is extremely vocal. do you think this is just what she will do at the beginning? I hope it ends because it's hard to sleep... haha


Sir yellow:
yez she some kittens meow becuz they either miss there mommy or there brothers and sisters

Here, This will help you figure out the problem and fix it.

Figure out where the cat was last. There may be a problem that arose from where the cat has been.
Check your other pets. If you have any other pets, you may want to see if they are all right. Your cat might also be mad at or scared of other pets and is coming to you for safety or protection. 

Check the cat's food and water. Your cat may be hungry or thirsty.
Give your cat affection. Your cat may just want to cuddle with you! 

Consider the vet. If your cat meows a lot, your cat may be trying to tell you that they need attention. If you've tried the above suggestions and your cat still meows frequently, it might be prudent to schedule a trip to the vet.
Be aware some breeds are more "vocal" than others such as Siamese. In this circumstance, your pet may be meowing for the sake of meowing, which is a form of talking with you.

TipsIf your cat is meowing a lot, there must be a reason. This is the only way a cat can communicate. If a baby was crying, you would want to find out why. Well the same with a cat. Do not ignore the cat, she is communicating with you. 

If the reason is not listed above and the cat needs no medical attention, it may be meoowing just for your affection, and if you come to its aid it will learn that vocalizing is the way to get what it wants. It is best to endure this behavior if this is the problem (sometimes ear plugs to sleep may be needed) and reward it when it is not vocalizing.

Good luck

When she's alone in a dark house with nobody to rely on, she's a bit scared.

If you get up and give her attention or start walking around the house, she is going to learn to associate crying with security. You do not want that to be the lesson learned.

Instead, ignore her. She'll eventually stop. Within a few days, you'll never hear a peep out of her unless it's a real emergency (such as an injury).
Source(s): Experience with a large number of baby pets over the years.

It depends on how old she is. If shes younger than she probably isnt used to being alone. It will take time for her to adjust. Or she wants attention. When she meows try playing with her, or get her a toy. Plus, they say when you first get a kitten try to keep it in maybe your bedroom. Then gradually let it out more and more.

Also, make sure her food, and water are clean!

Hoped this helped! (:

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