My calico is very non-social i cant even pet her nobody can. your promblem is that you cat is very independent and it also depends where you got the cat if you got it at an animal rescue the owner berfore you could have been mean or grumpy or the wanted the cat to be a watch cat and attack people. or if you got it from a breeder it could have been that its parents non-social. and if you got it from a petshop who knows what the problem could have been
hope this info helped ;^)
Garnet Red:
My calico cat is somewhat anti-social too. I think she's a little over a year old (I'm not really sure though) and I adopted her in January. There have only been a handful of times she's voluntarily sat next to me or my fiancé or a guest.
Otherwise she's content to sit apart from us, she's just not into cuddling. She lets us pet her, but doesn't really rub up against our legs like most cats tend to do. She gets into bed with us pretty often, but I think it's more because the bed is warm and comfy than a desire to be near us, but it's hard to tell. Sometimes she's uncharacteristically social and sweet. She keeps us guessing, that's for sure.
She might just be old (you didn't say how old) and tired, but you might want to take her to the vet to rule out illnesses that could be affecting her personality, especially for new and unusual behavior.
Good Luck
Just like people, cats all have different personalities. Some are friendly, some are way-affectionate, some are stand-offish, and some--like yours---just seem grumpy. You can try sucking up to her (giving her treats or catnip or new toys)...but you'll do best to just love her as she is, and give her her space. Let her decide when she wants to be loved on.
This is, of course, all assuming that she's been to the vet since she "became" grumpy, if she wasn't always that way. If she hasn't, you might get it checked out in case she has had a long-term ailment of some sort that makes her crabby.
Well since it's been going on for years, it's probobly not a sickness or injury making her grumpy. Some cats are just that way, I know one of mine is! Make sure she has plenty of toys, and a personal space.
Cat's can get grumpy if they don't have a space that is their own. A big thing can be the food she is eating. Nutro made some of our cats crazy, even though it is supposed to be a good food!! My best suggestion would be to change her to a good food such as royal canine.
For short term try giving her catnip! Sometimes it helps them be nicer.