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Why is my cat constantly howling?

Please help me understand so I know how to fix this, cause i as well as my roommates are starting to go insane. My cat is 1 1/2 years old and for some reason she is constantly howling; and I don't mean just a regular meowing, its LOUD! AND CONSTANT! Let me give you a little insight on her... She is fixed, she always has food and water. 

Her litter box is always clean, she has many toys, and its not attention shes wanting, she gets plenty of it. She is never home alone cause someone is always at the house with her. She is not only doing this at night, it is at all hours of the day! I understand that some cats are just more vocal then others but this is definitely more then that! I don't know what her issue is and why she is constantly howling for no reason at all. 

Please, please, if you have any idea, help me understand what is driving my cat to do this and what I can do to stop her from doing this?


There is a small chance she was not "fixed" properly. (A friend's "fixed" dog just had 5 pups last week). If it's this, she'd also be rolling around a lot.

If not, she's in pain, not from an external injury but from something internal. Cats will walk on a broken leg without a sound. External injuries tend to make them limp or drag themselves. They'll flinch at being touched on the sore area.

The howling is most likely is a severe urinary tract infection or kidney stones. Take her to the vet today. If she has trouble peeing, or howls more when she tries to, then take her to the vet NOW. They're not hard problems to fix, so don't let her keep suffering with it. 

Sounds like she might be in pain. Check her paws to see if she has something stuck in her paw pad, and then TAKE HER TO A VET to be on the safe side.

Other than that, maybe she is just lonely for another cat, in which case you should get her a little friend of her own species to keep her company. Humans are okay for company sometimes, but they just don't have the same intelligence as another cat.
Source(s): Rescuing and fostering for about 30 years.

There's something wrong. Cats don't act like this unless something is definitely amiss. Please see a vet straightaway.
Source(s): Cat owner and lover for 40+ years. 
something's wrong! she might've got hurt really badly, TAKE HER TO THE VET!!

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