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Can jello kill cats?

My friends cat peaches just consumed an entire container of sugar-free black cherry jello and we already fed it fun dip when it was a kitten later did we understand fun dip is not that fun when you feed it to your cat and it results in turning your once loved kitten into what identifies as Spock with a pear-shaped body and having to tell your mother "no that's what normal cats look like" just so she won't take it to the vet and figure out her almost adult children fed it fun dip. Of course we learned nothing from that experience and are now feeding it extremely unproportional amounts of sugar-free black cherry jello as we speak we really wan this thing to die because it is extremely hard to look at but that's not the point the point is will it die?


You are an idiot. Completely. Any moron who tries to feed a cat jello with the intentions of killing it is a sick excuse for a human being.

Some stupidity can't be cured. 

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