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Should i return my puppy?

Ok so ive been begging my parents for a dog for as long as I remember. So recently my cousin was selling a German Shepherd puppy and I bawled my eyes out because my dad was being a jerk by saying no and "how its a huge responsibility...bla blah bla 

Anyways my mom got in a fight with him and she won so he was like im only financial and he s gonna be like I told you so . 

So i got him last night he woke me 7 times and I didn t get enough sleep .

Anyways today s been hell because I m trying to keep up with him and my mom makes me feel bad saying im self centered (probably am) and that if i regret it, but the thing is she was in too but now I want to sell him because she doesn t want to take him back.

But i cant bring myself to tell them and get the "I told you so speech and youre so irresponsible " help please ASAP


Typical spoiled brat and bubblehead, who did not bother to do any research or pay any attention to the amount of time or work and/or the difficulty in owning a puppy (even though her cousin HAD one) and after just ONE night, throws in the towel.

Of course, give it back. You are too immature to do otherwise, esp with a GSD - which needs an experienced, dog-savvy ADULT owner.

Please do NOT EVER get another dog, until you are an adult (IF then). This is how the shelters & rescue groups, end up FULL of dogs (they cannot begin to find enough homes FOR). It sounds like you should not have anything... but a robotic dog.

This unfortunate puppy needs to go back to your cousin who sold him and the pup deserves a home where its wanted 100% by all members of a family and who are prepared to put up with all the hard work having a puppy brings. 

You and your mother should put your own selfish reasons to one side and do what is best for this innocent little pup. 

I despair when I read posts like this.

be real, it's a puppy. It's going to be like your mom when she brought you home, up every two to four hours for feeds and diaper changes.

If that is your attitude, you think of you and you alone, your not responsible enough to have a puppy.

Train a German Shepherd correctly and they will be your friend and protector for life.....

Jeez, it's only a puppy. This stage only lasts a few weeks. You can do a few weeks standing on your head. BUT, I think you are too self-centered for a dog so do IT a favor and find a loving home for it. You're just going to have to deal with the I-told-you-sos. He DID tell you so. The man is your father, he knows you well.

Not yours so you can't return it. You are a CHILD and cna't own a pet. The dog belongs to your parents, not you. And YOU whined and cried and begged for one and they caved and got one and now you are bored of it and want it throw away like trash so you can whine and cry for something new.

It doesn't work that way. You are a child so you can't and dont own the dog and have no right to return the dog and need to stop whining.

If you cant handle it then dont do it. I know that's not what you wanted anyone to say, but its the truth. And honestly just work with the puppy. It will become alot easier and it only takes just a few weeks for the pup to catch on and do what its supposed to do. You gotta have alot of patience. When they said it requires alot of responsibility, they meant it! 

German shepards are very high maitnence dogs. They're working dogs, and require a lot of attention and training. So I'd day you have a couple options, one being you can enroll your pup in training classes and take them for walks regularly. Or two, you can find a loving home that can meet the pup's needs. 

woman up and care for the dog. After all, compared to having children it's peanuts. And your mother is willing to put up with you. So you can damn well put up with a dog you were begging for. Dealing with it will hopefully make you grow up. Ask your mother how many nights you interrupted her sleep.

Anything else will get you a "I told you so" speech and you get it held against you for the next 10-20 years whenever you want something your parents don't think you are ready for. They will say "remember the time you couldn't live without a dog and after a day you couldn't get rid of the dog fast enough". It will follow you for years.

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