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I'm really scared about my dog passing?

I've had my dog for about a year and a half already. I got him from a friend because she could no longer take care of him. He only turned 3 in october and I know he's got many years left but I just can't help but know that one day I'll wake up and he won't be by my bed, waiting for me to wake up. 

I just watched a video about a guy who lost his dog. It make me so upset and whenever I watch videos like that, I need to go up to my dog, hug and cuddle him and tell him how much I love him, even if he can't understand.

I just can't imagine my life without him. He's my everything, he's probably the reason I'm alive. I had severe depression and anxiety and he helped me through it. He's an awesome dog and I love him to death.

What do I do? i'm just so scared of having to lose him.


I know the feeling. I used to think that every now and then about my last dog. Unfortunately it's a fact of life. But the thing about it is while they won't live as long as you likely will, they're basically part of your family while they are alive. So what you can and should do is make their life as good as you can. You make sure the dog is loved and cared for, that's all a dog can and does ask for.

Unfortunately the time will come where the dog will pass away, but if you give them a good life then you'll know that they loved you like you loved them. I do suggest taking pictures of your dog whenever you can too. I got a photo book of my dog made up to remember her.

Try not to dwell on the facts and enjoy the time you do have with your pet. Make sure your pet feels as loved by you as you do by it.

Hi there. Congratulations that you have formed such a wonderful bond with your little dog. Dogs are so special, they are totally devoted to us, they love without judgement, they think you're the best thing in the world, because basically you ARE their world. And from the sound of things, he's you're world too, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Try not to think of life without him. Instead, enjoy the life you have with him now. Enjoy every moment you have with him, take as many photos and videos as you can. Make his life full of fun and love and treats and cuddles, you owe it to him to make the most of your time together.

Unfortunately, dogs don't live as long as us, and when the time comes, you want to be able to say to yourself "I gave him the best life possible, and made it fun for him. We had such a great time together." The fact that you're doing everything you possibly can for him, along with the photos and videos, will bring you comfort.

Until then, enjoy your little pup and the friendship you share. It really is unique, and you are both very lucky to have found each other.

Take care 

I lost my dog that I've had since I was four, two years ago. Just have fun with him whilst you can and give him the best life you can because when that day comes you can rest easy knowing you did all you could to give him a good life. Dwelling on what could happen isn't going to help either you or your dog

Then don't watch those videos which make you upset. By obsessing about the future death of your pet you are missing out on the fun you should have with your dog now.

If these thoughts interfere with your life you should seek treatment.

I would rather concentrate of making the best out of the moment. Go for long walks with your dog, get involved in dog sports, spend time building memories together.

Unfortunately it's just a part of life, try not to think about it. No use worrying about the inevitable. If it's any consolation to you your dog isn't worried about dying! Stop watching those videos if they upset you. Hope you and your dog have many happy years left together.

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