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Will most dogs be loyal To their owner?

Will most dogs be loyal To their owner?


They're loyal to the alpha. But the owner has to establish that relationship. Otherwise the dog will treat the owner like a brother or sister that runs off and gets them food and not really the pack leader which will lead to obedience and trust problems.

Edit... I should add dogs are really keen on picking up on how others behave. If the dog sees you behaving submissively around other people, for example, you are no longer the real pack leader. I had a dog as a kid, but though he was friends with me, he only answered to my dad.

Depends on what you consider 'loyal'.

Love you? If you're kind to him yes.
ONLY love just you? Not likely
Listen only to you? Not likely
Not look at anyone else? Not likely
Chase bad guys? Not without extensive protection training
Bite someone? Even if you were attacked or a burglar in your house was bitten, the guy attacked can bring a lawsuit against you for the bite

I'd have to say most? Probably. But it depends on your definition of 'loyal' really. There are breeds who are said to be 'one person dogs' more than others. But it's not wise to generalise. In my own breed, the adlt males tend to be clingy, or more needy than the bitches who are usually more independent. I'd suggest most dogs would relate to the person who feeds, exercises (especially that with hounds), grooms and generally looks after them.

I'd have to say most? Probably. But it depends on your definition of 'loyal' really. There are breeds who are said to be 'one person dogs' more than others. But it's not wise to generalise. In my own breed, the adlt males tend to be clingy, or more needy than the bitches who are usually more independent. I'd suggest most dogs would relate to the person who feeds, exercises (especially that with hounds), grooms and generally looks after them.

What exactly do you even mean by "loyal"?

Do you mean stick to them like glue. No, untrained dogs don't do that.

Will they be one-person dogs. No, very few breeds are one-person dogs.

Define "loyal to their owners" in your mind.


Dogs will respect the head of the house, aka the alpha or primary caretaker. However this depends how the said caretaker treats them. It is possible for dogs to choose the weakest member of the household to protect them. My dog followed my baby nephew all over the house.

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