My cousins dog has died just last night and just trying to figure out
what caused it to die so fast. My cousins dog was sick the day before
she would vomit , avoid everyone , not eating , lack of sleep . She was
a good dog . A dog that has been in the family for years . Very sad to
see her go . She was 14 years btw. If anyone knows this similar cause to
their dogs let me know please.thanks
She died of old age. My dog was 13 and died all of a sudden. She vomited, fell over and didnt get up for 3 days.
I think there is no way of knowing the cause of death. Perhaps this
dog had a medical condition that was never diagnosed by a Vet,or due to
it's age. Some people let their dog linger and suffer in pain because
they can't bare to think about having their dog euthanized to put it out
of it's misery.
Without having a necropsy done, there's no way of knowing the cause of
death. Perhaps this dog had a medical condition that was never
diagnosed by a Vet, or perhaps due to it's age it just died of natural
causes, meaning it's organs just gave out, just like ours do when we get
old if there is no known illness going on.
I'm sorry to hear about the
death of your Cousin's dog, but if she was only sick for one day prior
to her death, then she died in PEACE. Some people let their dog linger
and suffer in pain because they can't bare to think about having their
dog euthanized to put it out of it's misery.
At 14 years old she probably just died of old age.Or could have had a heart attack, or sudden onset liver disease.
I`v had two dogs that appeared quite healthy one day and then suddenly dead the next day.
One had the heart attack and the other one to sudden acute hepatic liver failure.