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Dog allergy?

Ask: My dog has an allergy best described as a cradle cap/acne skin condition. I've brought her to the veterinarian and got a prescription medicine to cure it but it just keeps coming back. 

I give her oatmeal baths, steroid treatments, food diet (in case of food allergy) and nothing had worked. 

I've done some research and my next trial will be benzyl peroxide and would like to know if any dog-owners have had similar problems with their dog and have tried any benzyl peroxide remedies?


Yes, my dog has allergies (itch). Vet perscribed prednisone. He tried other meds but did not find any others that worked.

You might want to look into getting allergy shots. I'm allergic to dogs and cats, and have been getting the shots which have seriously reduced my reactions to our cat and my folks dog.

As for the purported hypoalleregenic dogs, it's not exactly true. The breeds that seem to be the best for allergies are shedding less of the allergen but are still producing it. You just don't have as strong a reaction. Depending in your sensitivity you could still have bad reactions to them anyway.

I don't think you shouldn't get a dog, though. You might want to look into the allergy shots, or get an air filter and take daily medicines to help deal with the symptoms if they crop up. Don't let the dog in your bedroom, either, so that you will have a place to go to where you will have a reduced amount of allergen. 

You might also look into crate training, so that your puppy won't be sleeping all over the house so that you can also control the dander to a greater degree. 

Regular washing of your pet, and keeping it off the furniture/bed can help you deal with reactions easier, too. 

 If you want to let your dog up on the furniture make sure that you have covers that can be moved and washed really well, or just let your dog up on one to two things so you have "safe" spots to sit.

Having an allergy just means you need to learn how to cope with it as best as you can. There is a lot you can do to deal with it and still have things you want. 

You'll have to be vigilant in cleaning and all that, but get your dog and enjoy having one, dogs are great :)  

I own a yorkie-poo which is part yorkshire terrier & part poodle. My husband has terrible allergies & most dogs he can't get near without his eyes watering & sneezing. But w/ our yorkie-poo he has no troubles at all! He can kiss her on the head & put her right in his face & has never had a problem. After some research I found out that yorkies are hypo-allergenic & do not have an undercoat like most dogs do.therefore no dog dander. 

Their hair isn't like fur but more like human hair & beleive me it grows just as fast as my hair does. My yorkie-poo becomes easily chilled since she only has one coat of hair & so she has coats & shirts to keep her warm. I also, found that poodles are great for people w/ pet allergies. 

I hope this helps. Good luck! And by the way, my husband & I live in a small apartment & yorkies are perfect for apartment living! 

i know the feeling... i dont think its gonna be a good idea to get dog if u got the allergy going.. especially in a small apartment, that can be very harsh on u. if u get a dog and ur allergy kicks in, its gonna be so hard to give her/him away later on so think twice before u make the decision. 

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