I've been patient with my neighbors and their horde of cats. Broken up
fights between my two cats and dogs when they're cat's would jump my
fence. I even tried talking this out with my neighbors but they won't
listen. They keep telling me that you can't put boundaries on a cat like
you would a dog. Either they don't care about they're animals well
being or they just really are willing to let them roam.
They have about
ten cats who produce like I don't know what, but they sell off the
kittens. The smell around both of our houses have gotten out of control
lately as well. And this morning one of their cats sunk bit me when I
tried to get him away from one of my dogs, who usually likes cats but my
guess was that the cat didn't like him. I'm through with breaking up
fights, I'm just going to let whatever happens, happens because I'm all
out of ideas.
They're allowing the cats to roam, what happens to them after they
leave their property is the owners fault, not yours. If i had a cat come
into my yard and aggressively approach my dog i wouldnt hesitate to let
him react, especially if they are a persistant problem and your
neighbours refuse to do anything about it. They arent your cats, they
dont belong on your property and you can take whatever measures you wish
to remove them.
We had a guy in town who was so sick of his neighbors hoard of cats constantly being in his yard, he told them if they didnt do something about it he was going to. He started trapping and getting rid of them. the neighbors called the police and said he was 'stealing' their cats. The cops showed up, he explained to them what was happening and they told him unless the neigbours could provide prrof that every singe cat belonged to them, he wasnt doing anythign wrong just merely controlling the population of 'strays'.
We had a guy in town who was so sick of his neighbors hoard of cats constantly being in his yard, he told them if they didnt do something about it he was going to. He started trapping and getting rid of them. the neighbors called the police and said he was 'stealing' their cats. The cops showed up, he explained to them what was happening and they told him unless the neigbours could provide prrof that every singe cat belonged to them, he wasnt doing anythign wrong just merely controlling the population of 'strays'.
The cats entered his property with no ID,
microchips, nothing proving or displaying that they may belong to
someone. The neighbors didnt provide vet care so they didnt look like
someones healthy, looked after and loved pets. In the end they couldnt
prove they owned any of the cats and it was left at that. He kept
getting rid of them until eventually they were gone and his problems
were solved.
How does that make you a person worth liking?
Have you tried contacting a feline rescue about TNR?
Have you used a cat repellent on your fence? It's $8 from Messina Wildlife and money back guaranteed.
Have you tried contacting a feline rescue about TNR?
Have you used a cat repellent on your fence? It's $8 from Messina Wildlife and money back guaranteed.
Have you learned how to safely move a cat away from another animal? No. Putting a broom between the line of sight of both animals works, you don't hit them or grab them.
Have you discussed this with Animal Control? They can safely live trap OR fine the people for allowing a situation like this to happen.
As has been said by others, you don't let your dogs kill a cat! You also run the risk of turning your dog/s into killers. Next they will be going after children. Also, there is something you probably haven't thought of. If you let your dog hurt or kill a cat you just may be risking having some "tainted" hamburger thrown over your fence for your dog.
Yeah, I'd say contact the cops or the humane society and tell them
about the problem, they could handle it by like threatening to take the
cats away or giving your neighbors a fine. I understand your
frustration, but for goodness' sake, it's not the cat's fault, it's the
owner's, so don't make the poor cat pay for just being a stupid cat (I
mean, if your dog accidentally got out one day, you'd be devastated if
someone killed it for trespassing on their property, right?) Contact the
cops or the humane society first, I'd say.
I've seen a cat claw out a dog's eye once, so I'd be careful letting
your dogs try and kill the cats, especially if the cat goes outside all
the time. Cats that spend a lot of time wandering around have a better
sense of self defense.
DON'T let your dog kill a kitty, like other people have suggested call
animal control. Have them go to your neighbors and inspect the house and
what not, or have some cats taken away.
Letting your dogs kill a cat is sick. Don't try it. Cats are cats, they
roam, if your neighbour won't listen to you go to some sort of animal
control like others have suggested.