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Is it normal that I can't stand cats?

People keep telling me i am too mean because I am always shooting cats with a bb gun, but I cant stand them, they are way too annoying and just walking everywhere.
My dad also says its ok?
I once left one in a dumbster inside a bag, dont know what happened to it either.
Is this normal for a 15 yold guy?


Seek a proffesional and ask for help. You can't be acting this way towards cats (or any other animals). You might even hurt a cat in the future if you are already shooting a cat with a bb gun. This would put you into serious trouble with the law. You should have a counsellor or something to better manage your problem with cats. And even if you can't stand them, try ignoring them or move to other places that have lesser cats around. But still, seek proffesional help. Please.

You're allowed to shoot cats on your property but get something a bit more deadly than a bb gun or they'll suffer. Also, I worry about a kid who would shoot a tame animal that might be somebody's pet. The fact that the sight of them makes you angry is a red flag. OTOH, you ARE a teen ager so anger is pretty much your baseline right now. You may grow out of it. Or you may become a serial killer. Killing pets is a sign that LEOs watch for.

Yes it normal
There is no rule book that states you have to like certain animals and have to liek them crapping all over the yard, have to liek them slaughtering wild life and pushing more species towards extinction and have to like them spreading disease and parasites.

Instead of shooting them with a BB gun which won't do anything but scare them for a short amount of time then they come back. rent or borrow live traps and start trapping the cats and take them to Ac. Lazy people liek letting thier cats roam free and don't care about all the damage they do


Well, my dad shoots cats with a hose and my mum is terrified of them and has thrown rocks at them. I just run towards them and they run pretty fast. But you shouldn't put a cat in the dumpster, I hope that cat wasn't still alive.
There is disliking cats and being overly violent. Stuff like that can end you in trouble with the law. You should seek help to try to figure out why you feel that way about the animals.
You & your dad seem to be mentally sick. Please seek help otherwise you are sure to land in trouble with law as you seem to be inculcating wrong habits (your dad should be talking sense into you instead of saying ok, even he seems to be a jerk). You will land into trouble with " Animal protection laws against cruelty" with your actions. Have you or your Dad ever thought if same treatment is given to you people ? Shame on both of you.
Yep, all most all serial killers started by hurting/killing animals. We will be seeing your face in the News one of these days. Shame on you and your Dad. You both need help.

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