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Is it normal for a cat to be in heat for 3 weeks?

Please! Don't tell me to get her spayed. I adopted her a short while ago, the previous owners didn't have the money. I live on a small island where the waiting list is 3 months out, yes, I'm on that list. I absolutely am getting her spayed. I just have to wait. My question, is it normal for her to be in heat this long, there's no lull or break. 

I know it's so stressful for her and it worries me that she has to go through it. Three weeks now seems like it could be taking its toll on her and her body, she's lost weight because she spends so much time howling instead of anything else. I don't know what else to do to help her through it. Should I take her in as an emergency? Or is it normal for the cycle to last like this?


I searched real quick and it's looking like even two weeks is a long time to be in heat, so I'd say it's probably not's also not an emergency as long as you don't let her get bred. I'd call the vet on Monday and discuss it with them, but it sounds like you are doing the best that you can.  

Its not actually 3 wks but 2 wks on 1 off 2 on 1 off
you they say 2 cats will breed to over a million in 3 yrs if not restricted by food or a predictor

Yes they will go in and out of heat constantly if she's not spayed. As far as the weight issue, once cats are "Fixed" the hormones are gone and they will gradually lose that lean solid body to the more soft and "cuddly" body all kitty lovers crave. Even the males. I have a male and when I got him he had just been neutered like 3 days earlier and he was lean and solid. Now he's just a chubby bubba who loves to sit on my lap. 

A cat isn't going to lose weight from howling - seriously? She probably has PYOMETRA a DEADLY uterine infection and will be DEAD if you continue to do nothing.

Absolute bull$hit that there's a "3 month" waiting list to get a cat spayed. I'm sure you just can't afford to get it done so why the hell did you take this cat? I do hope you're keeping her indoors so she doesn't end up pregnant????

that is normal estrus cycle for cats.
Keep her inside and away from any and all males while she is fertile.
There isn't much you can do, except call vet and ask if there is something you can give her.

cats go in and out of heat often...a lot...
You will just have to wait it out till her appointment.

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