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Cats constantly howling?

My cats have been howling nonstop for a few months first it was just the one now the other cat is starting in im not sure how to fix the problem they meow and howl no matter what were doing or the time of day its to the point were were loosing sleep i dont think anything is wrong with them its seems like theyre just doing it to be annoying i want to break them of their habit but im not sure how my dad just thinks we should beat them but thats not right at all im scared hes really hurting them...
please help??

Update: -- theyre indoor cats both male and neutered they constantly want attention and are basically the most neediest cats ever the problem with loving on one is the other gets jealous and then they both start howling for attention ive tried telling them no and even shhhing them but they just respond back with a meow or more howling 

ive tried telling my dad that hitting them wont do anything but hurt them but he insists it will work and if it doesnt were going to have to put them down
Are they in door or out door cats? I'm thinking they are in door cats. However I can be wrong about that. If they are out door cats then they're tell you they want out. It's like out & in when ever they want.

If they are in door cats, I certainly can understand how that could drive anyone to drink. Hitting the cats will do no good and is unnecessary. All that will happen with hitting, matters will only get worse.
Cat #2 is only going along with #1 cat just because. In other words, for no particular reason but doing what #1 cat is doing.

Cat #1 may be a more I want more attention cat than #2 cat. They're going to need to know who's boss of the house and it isn't kitty. They need to know that there are limits and this howling will not be tolerated.

Any time this howling/meowing begins you can show #1 a little extra attention. That doesn't mean you need to show them attention every minute of every day. #1 seems to be more needy than #2, so once you start controlling the situation (howling) #2 will probably follow suit.

After given a little attention and howling still continues, a firm NO straight in the eyes, and this needs to be done consistently when #1 starts driving you up the wall. Like I said, the more hitting, the more howling. It's like who's going to win the battle of the howling and you need to make it clear to #1 that is behavior is a NO NO until he finally get it.

Sounds like he has taken over the house hold so this behavior must stop. Some cats are real talkers, but this sounds like he's telling you, I'll show you who's the boss and that doesn't mean you. You need to change that.

It doesn't matter, but I will ask you any way; are you're cats male or female and have they been neuter and/or spayed. If the answer is no, then get them both neutered/spayed, which ever the case and this howling make come to a halt or at least it might quiet them down.

They probably will still need some discipline which needs to come from you and not dad. I wouldn't bother with the old water bottle, because I really don't think that's going to do much good. Since they talk/howl to you then you must step in and return the same to them with a firm NO. Don't be afraid to look them straight in the eye. This is now become a battle of dominance and you need to make sure they know that you are the dominate one and they need to behave.

Cats understand or will soon find out that a firm NO means. They understand many words and actions you say or do.

When my cat wants to go out into our attached garage (usually will sit there waiting for her chance to sneak by) I'm always ready and tell her NO or stay. She understands both and backs off. It's amazing what cats really understand by words and body language. It's up to you to get this through to them. Patience, patience and a bit more patience. However, I believe it will not take long before they understand who the dominate one is.

When I need to tell my kitty NO or stay I feel like i have a dog. Cat or dog, they soon know what they and allowed or not allowed to do. It makes no difference. I've had both. Kind of a habit, but it works.
Words and body language and that doesn't mean hitting. Try to talk to dad that by hitting he's only making things worse and the two of you must back each other up and work together on this. One can't do one thing and the other do another. The two of you must work together on this if you want a quiet house hold.
Never beat a cat! If your cats are females they could be in heat. they should be taken to the Vet to be spayed or neutered. 

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