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Why does my cat constantly meow and howl?

I have a male neutered cat, roughly around 10-12 years old. He's always been very vocal but lately he meows and howls ( extremely obnoxiously) all the time. Day and night. He wakes everyone in the house up. I don't know what he wants. 

I feed him, he still howls, give him water from the sink, still howls. My only idea is that since it's been so cold old out he hasn't been able to go outside. And he likes to be outside all day when it's warm. Could that be the problem? What can I do for him? He's driving me up the walls.


would take him to vet. Does he do this howl and meow in the summer all day long too? If not then you might be right might miss being outside. He's getting older too.

First action is to take to the vet for a complete senior exam. There are medical conditions that are common at this age so you need to rule these out. One problem also is that some cats will have a type of 'senior' moment - like senility and can cause a cat to be confused and then they cry out like they are unaware of their surroundings. 

I have an older cat (about 7-8 years) that will cry out a distressing meow shortly after the lights go out at bedtime. It lasts for about 1-2 minutes and then he is fine. The first few times I got up to check on him. He was okay and sat looking at me like I was crazy. 

After that I accepted it and now he does maybe 1-2 times per week. Have him checked out. It could be a simple problem but you want to catch any medical problem earlier than later. 

Take him to the vet - at that age it's very common for a cat to become hyperthyroid, and one of the classic symptoms is a cat that becomes very vocal. It's easy to diagnose and cheaply treated. 

Left untreated it can cause heart issues, weight loss, and even cause a cat to stop peeing in the litter box. Get him a vet visit to rule out a health issue before you decide he wants to go outside. 

I bet it has Siamese in it. The one Siamese we had was a talker and very noisy.
That is his personality and so if you cannot tolerate it and a vet check says he is fine.
You might consider a new home for him, he just isn't happy with you.

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