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Am I wrong for having my dogs off leash in public places?

So I like to walk my dogs daily on the public trails and parks where I live. I always keep a leash with me, but will often let them run around free through certain areas. There is technically a leash law but it never gets enforced. I feel I am justified in doing this because there aren't any available dog parks close to where I live and dogs need their exercise, and I am not the only dog owner who does this. 

While they are very well behaved dogs, they are naturally curious and friendly and like to approach other people to sniff them and be petted.Most people don't seem to mind, and even enjoy the chance to interact with my dogs, but occasionally I'll get a few grumpy people who will give me dirty looks. They also have the habit of chasing after runners. 

A while back I had a runner get angry with me because my dogs charged at him. I assured them that they were harmless, but he chewed me out for not having them on a leash. Then the confrontation escalated and I basically told him to get stuffed, and he threatened to report me to animal control, before we both continued on are way. 

I also had a similar confrontation last year with a father after my dogs approached his children on the playground. People like that really get on my nerves. I feel that dogs are a part of this world, and people need to learn to deal with it. But there will always be grumpy people who seem to think they're entitled to live in a world free from any nuisance or disturbances.


Well, it's a law. Since when does, "well, everybody else does it why shouldn't i?" justify it? Can you tell that to a police officer when you're texting or talk on the phone? No. Keep your dogs on a leash. As an owner, it is your job to give your dogs enough exercise whether they're on a leash or not. I get it, sometimes I let my dog off leash at a baseball field next to a play ground near the woods. There's a path in the woods, too.

 Everybody lets their dog off leash. However, there's now laws against letting your dog off the leash there, but you do have laws, and I think that your dog seems to be causing a problem with others. What you're basically saying, is that you think your dogs have a right to be annoying and even if they wanted to, scare others (which they probably do to some people) and that people should deal with it because dogs exist in this world with us. Yeah... no, sorry. 

That justifies nothing. Some people don't like being approached by a dog that is not on a leash. Some are scared, some are allergic. I'm allergic! Keep your dogs on a leash and you won't have people getting upset. 

But it seems that because people ARE getting mad, your dogs aren't even well trained enough to let them off leash. Chasing after runners? That's not right. People can report you and they have a right to, not you.

So, all in all, are you wrong? Yes.
But it's your life, so you can do what you'd like.

I get what you are saying about dogs needing exercise but if there is a leash law then you have to have your dogs on a leash. That's just what it is. Plus, the other thing to consider are the people who have been attacked by dogs in the past. 

Yes, your dogs seem friendly and harmless from what you describe, but you don't know what experiences other people and children have had with dogs in the past and the thought of an unleashed animal coming towards them may be a terrifying situation and people will then react out of fear - which could result in a call to animal control - which would be justified because you are breaking the law by not having your dogs on a leash. 

Hearth Of Gold:
You are wrong to feel justified in allowing your dogs off leash because there are no available dog parks.

If your dogs will chase or charge a runner you are wrong to allow them off leash anywhere that that may come up, regardless of if there is a runner present or not when you let them loose.

I would only say its ok to have your dogs off leash in public areas if you have ABSOLUTE voice control over them and they will immediately come to you and sit down the FIRST time you call them with FAULTLESS reliability. If your dogs won't do this immediately every single time you have no business having them off leash.

If you are the only person in the park, the only person on the trail, that is fine in my opinion. However, the second another person is in the park you better have your dogs on a leash. 

Not everyone knows your dog, they don't know your dog isn't aggressive, hell they may even be allergic to dogs or something. If they want to interact with your dog, don't worry, they will approach you and ask you to pet your dog. 

You should also keep your dogs on a leash because you don't know if someone else's dog is aggressive or not. Your dog could run up to another dog and get bitten, and there isn't a thing you would be able to do about it because your dog is off the leash. 

My dog is not friendly to strangers and strange dogs. If a strange dog ran up to us, she would attack it. If my dog eats your off leash dog, it's your fault. My daughter was afraid of dogs as a child, and if a dog had approached her on the play ground it would have terrified her. 

I have been attacked by "friendly" dogs off leash. The runner was very right. You can not allow your dog to chase anyone. 

A good off leash dog will not acknowledge or interact with any person or animal other than it owner while out on a walk. If your dog interacts with others in any way off leash, then you need to put a leash on it. That's why there is a leash law. Most dogs are not good off leash. 

I run with my dog off leash. Though no one has a problem with it, because he doesn't chase or approach people. If someone approaches him he's all for getting pet or loved on. I don't let kids run up to him either because you just never know with dogs.

Edit: Though I did have this one experience with an off leashed dog, but I knew the dog. She's never leashed and lives right across the street from, and any time she runs up on me I get suprised. Then frightened because she's pretty fast and most of the times I still don't see her right away. And she scares me because I think she's just some random dog charging towards me.

I own dogs, too. The people are right to be annoyed with this because not everyone likes dogs, some people are truly frightened of dogs, and it poses a threat. Others have a right to hike, walk or run without the worry of a strange dog approaching them.

Think what might happen if there happened to be an interaction between your dog and another person, or with another dog.

The better thing to do is: Put your dogs on a l-o-n-g lead, of perhaps 12 to 20 feet. Allow the dog to run free but not farther than the lead is comfortably from you. Watch very closely and if another person is near, step on the lead, pull the dog to your side, and make the dog sit until the person passes.

Do this every time someone is near, and you will have no more problems with those around you, have well-behaved dogs, and avoid issues.

You're the one in the wrong. My dog hates other dogs, she's terrified of them and will lunge if another dog comes near. If your dog unleashed gets into a fight with a dog on a leash then you'll be the one at fault and your dogs will be the ones put to sleep. 

I would also hate going for a jog and a dog starts running after me, even if it was just being playful. If you want your dogs to roam they need to learn a reliable recall and learn to leave things/people/other animals on command. 

Also people don't like dogs around their children, children can get noisy and hurt the dog even if it's an accident. The dog, even the most friendliest dog, may get upset and lunge at a child.

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