Narissa: No, the whole goal of any rescue, no matter how professional or how poorly run, is to find new homes for dogs. No one would want to take a dog that was legally adopted out 7 years ago- that would take extensive backtracking to find, IF they even kept records.
Your dog is safe with you and legally yours unless you're neglecting her, than she might be confiscated for her safety and well being...and it takes a lot for the law to be concerned about a dog enough to get involved.
Jojo: No. There is no reason for anyone to even consider doing this and I doubt after over 7 years anyone would even be aware that you even have a dog from this place. The SPCA is not going to go through records and reclaim all the dogs that the rescue rehomed. Why would they? Think about it.
Stop worrying and forget about it all.
Tad B: No, they will not come take your dog. However, as I am sure you are happy with our dog, I would learn more about this situation. If the SPCA is in the wrong, help support the rescue as best you can - perhaps with a positive testimony. SPCA is not perfect. And, depending where you live, they can't/do not shut down rescues - that is a government action.
Jack: No. It's your dog. The only time a rescue/shelter would take the dog away is if you failed to take care of the dog you adopted. Don't worry - no one will take your dog away from you. The fact that the rescue doesn't exist has nothing to do with the ownership of your dog.
Swaradh: No one would want to take a dog that was legally adopted out 7 years ago- that would take extensive backtracking to find, IF they even kept records. Your dog is safe with you and legally yours unless you're neglecting her, than she might be confiscated for her safety and well being...and it takes a lot for the law to be concerned about a dog enough to get involved.