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My last cat died and my other cat is dying right now she pooped green stool and is falling over and lethargic what toxin causes this?

Ask: My last cat died and my other cat is dying right now she pooped green stool and is falling over and lethargic what toxin causes this?

Anonymous: Why do you have pets? Please don't ever get another one. People who cannot afford to take their cats to the vet can't afford to have a cat. You have already caused horrible suffering and un-necessary DEATH to two cats - you watch this one die rather than get it to the vet. She's suffering. And you're just on here asking? I hardly know what to say - except do NOT get another pet after you've killed this one.

BTW this is treatable with medication from the vet and thorough cleaning of the home and anything the cat uses or touches (a vet will tell you or provide a brochure on how to do that). The second cat picked it up from the parasite still being in the home from the first one who didn't need to suffer to death from an easily treated parasitic infection.

Elaine M: If you haven't involved a vet in this I doubt anyone here can answer your question. You don't sound like someone who should be having pets at all if you're not taking care of them medically. 

Mama Cat:  I have dealt with too many cats/kittens. Green poop and really stinky is a sign of Coccidia. Your cat will die without medication from a vet.

Meow: How can we know? Why didn't you get the first cat to the vet and now you're just watching this cat die as well? WTF is wrong with you??? 

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