Daniel: Neither anxiety or digestive issues make you qualify for a service dog.
You don't need to give up your puppy any time soon, because you can't have a service dog.
However, it is possible to train a dog with a trainer that specializes in service dog training. Mind you this will be extremely expensive, but it will have wonderful results.
Regardless, you will never be able to take this dog anywhere that doesn't allows dogs, nor will it be a true service dog, it will just have the training of one.
Usually this costs around 5k-10k depending on the task and time of training and mostly you will only find private trainers who wish to train a dog for someone who isn't suffering from a disability.
Kayla: You don't really qualify for a service dog. Maybe an emotional support dog for your anxiety? Maybe get a grown dog that's already trained (I'm not saying give up the puppy, but keep the puppy as a regular pet, and get an already trained one) as well as that being good for you, an older, well trained dog can be a good role-model for a puppy.
I have no idea how you would train your pup to be a service dog I'm sorry I can't help you, but if you ever need help with any behaviour issues that may, unfortunately happen, has plenty on raising a dog as a pet, normal (obedience) training, behaviour, health etc.. Absolutely nothing on service dogs though. Sorry, wish I could help.
Pamela: Because a person says they are disabled, doesn't mean they are.
They need one or more Doctors to classify them as being so, and to have paperwork stating so.
Service Dogs must be trained to do a certain job/s, and just sitting at your side is not a job.
All of my dogs will sit with me, that does not make them Service Dogs
Anxiety is not a disability it is emotional and you have a pet which is what you need.
As for your digestive problems, there is nothing any one could train a dog to do. If you passed out you couldn't take medication even of the dog did get it.
Speak to your Doctor/s for their advice.
Service dogs are very expensive and insurance does not pay for the dog or training it.
This can cost upwards of $50,000.00. Do you have that kind of money.
Greyhound: What is a dog going to do for your digestive problems? Eat your food for you?
Service dogs are for people who are legally DISABLED. They perform specific tasks that the person can not do for themselves. Anxiety can be controlled by prescription medications .... dogs can actually increase anxiety in people - because they take so much care.
If you can't afford to pay for a simple training class to teach your puppy manners ($100-$125 where I live) - how would you afford a service dog that costs $10,000.00+ ? These are highly trained dogs and are worth every penny if you are in need of one.
Achelious: The dog has to be trained to provide specific tasks that help mitigate your disabling conditions.
If that training is not done, then the dog does not meet the criteria for service dog (in the US).
The training is for the dog to learn to mitigate disabling conditions (not sure what a dog can be trained to do that would help with digestive issues unless this is something like a peanut allergy & they can alert you to presence of peanuts). For the purpose of bonding, it is very important that you be a part of the training.
You are not required to be present at the training.... consider that there are agencies that train service dogs & then place them with disabled person whom the dog is trained to help.... however, the person usually is required to attend some training sessions with their dog after the agency placement.... My point being that even if you pay a trainer & send your dog off to service dog school (extremely expensive... typically between 25,000 - 30,000), you will still need to learn how to work in public with the dog (assuming the dog passes all necessary public access tests with the trainer or service dog school)
Natasha: Emotion support animals for those with metal disabilities is available for registration in most countries. But unless you have dibilitating anxiety and a phyciatrist to back this up. It's not likely he will need to register. And no training would be needed. Just an animal to support you emotionaly. These dogs can be on a plane with you maily for things like episodes from ptsd or panic attacks. But they may not go in malls and other buildings. Since its not really nessisary
Bluegranny: You do not quality for a service dog. You have to be physically disabled & you are not physically disabled. There is nothing that a service dog can do about your digestive problems or your anxiety. Your Psychiatrist can give you medicine for the anxiety. A dog cannot help you there. That is not a physical problem.
Many war Vets need service dogs & cannot get one, what makes you think that a little anxiety is going to get you a service dog?