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Will a neutered male dog still copulate?

 Will a neutered male dog still copulate?


A neutered male dog can still produce sperm for a couple of weeks after being neutered so he could mate with and impregnate a female dog. After this length of time a male dog cannot mate with a female dog, although they may still hump, but this is often a dominance behavior.

Yes. The urge will still be there even if they are no longer viable.Its not just dominance. Dominance is a social behavior and they have no need to dominate with a toy. Some neutered males do it. I think it has more to do with dominance than an instinct to mate.
Yes. The urge will still be there even if they are no longer viable.Its not just dominance. Dominance is a social behavior and they have no need to dominate with a toy. Some neutered males do it. I think it has more to do with dominance than an instinct to mate.
Heart O Gold:
Yes. I am speaking from experience with my own dogs.

I adopted a young adult female who had a scar my vet thought was possibly a spay scar. We agreed to not open up the dog if she might already be spayed and that if she went into heat I'd keep her from being bred and we would spay her that. 6 weeks later she went into heat.

(I had a double fenced and double gated yard and my vets full confidence about being able to keep the dog from being bred, so the peanut gallery can save their negative comments.)

I wasn't worried about my neutered male dog's interest in her assuming he couldn't do the deed - til they got tied and I had two very loud, very scared dogs hurting themselves trying to get apart.

Fortunately, and rather randomly, I had just been reading the breeding chapter in a dog book the night before so I knew what to do. Once they untied that male would not approach or even look at that female for weeks...

Yep. The urge will still be there even if they are no longer viable. It's quite frequent for a neutered dog to mount, and even tie with a b itch in standing heat. Be warned - if this castration was only recent, he could still be able to sire a litter.

Yes, they still feel those urges and mate.

Its not just dominance. Dogs masturbate as well. Dominance is a social behaviour and they have no need to dominate a cuddly toy. 

the same people who dislike the fact that dogs have a dominance hierarchy will still insist that dogs try to dominante a stuffed toy.


Yes, some neutered males still do. I think it has more to do with dominance than an instinct to mate.
Yes. They can still tie with a female, but no puppies will be produced.

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