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What is the best name of a cat?

Ask: What is the best name of a cat? 



I have an orange cream-sickle cat named Leo, a cat we found outside that was abandoned and showed up so we named him Mystery or Mister E, and my favorite is a big chubby black-striped cat named Baboo. I used to have a female cat named Penny and her son, Mamas Boy because he used to help her clean his brothers and sisters when the were just a young litter of kittens lol. My friend had an orange one named Sunny and his mother was Tasha. I like all those quite a lot for cats lol.
There are TONS of great cat names!!!! what ever you think reminds you of a loved one, or your cat. that will work to. Also I find names like Pickles, Goose, and Munchy. ( food names are also really cute). I hope you find a great name for your cat!! 
My cats names are Tabitha, Sammy, Vivian and Dum Dum!

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