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Ask: I found this pretty tiny, looks malnourished kitten in my open garage. He kept meowing, hissing at me when I come near, and refuses to eat the small amount of meat i gave him or her. I'M GUESSING THAT THIS KITTEN IS ONLY 7-12 DAYS OLD! I'm not sure who it's mother is, since there are many cats around my neighborhood. 

What should I do?! She or He must be very scared (since it is new years in my country right now). I haven't seen any of it's siblings and, thats kind of sad... One of the older cats tried to attack the kitten, but I scared him off. Why do you think that he would do that? Why would he attack a young kitten? The kitten did NOT seem to have a "nest". I AM FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW!!! Please,, all advice would be appreciated!


Update: Do you guys think the mother will come back?? She's been gone for maybe 6 or 7 hours now (around 7pm-2am as of now) Maybe out hunting? What do you guys think??
There could easily be a nest somewhere in the garage and the other kittens may either be starving, or this one could have fallen from the nest. Sometimes cats make a nest, high in a garage such as in rafters, etc.

But, the mother cat also may have had only one kitten and then abandoned it.

Bring the kitten indoors and either purchase or make kitten formula. Don't feed cow's milk because it is bad for kittens.

Here is how you should proceed:
1. Bring kitten indoors and put in the bathroom and away from your other cats. Put in a box.
2. Warm the kitten if he seems a little cold, using a heating pad set on low, or hot water bottle, but not too hot. You can also warm him with your own body heat.
3. Feed him a little water with an eye dropper because he may be dehydrated.
4. If he is this young, you can also offer some corn syrup to help raise his blood sugar, because I have heard that they don't always digest the formula if they are especially dehydrated. This would be your call.
5. Offer formula using an eye dropper or medical syringe. You can also try a kitten nuser bottle with slit cut in the tip to make it flow better - if the kitten will accept this.

Remember, that if a kitten is too cold, it cannot eat or digest the formula. You can also contact animal rescue leagues for help, or veterinarians. Thank you for helping this kitten. Also, remember to look high and low in case there are other kittens somewhere in the garage. Sometimes one will fall from their nest, and then if they have been abandoned, the others will begin crying within a day or two, so watch for at least three days and look very hard for possible siblings.

Additionally, since you are rescuing this kitten at a young age, he will be friendly toward humans. Once they are older, it is harder, so you are doing this youngster a favor in rescuing and saving him.

kittens that age don't eat solids, try water (not milk or cream). It is very frightened, the best thing you can do is pick it up in a cloth or towel and take it indoors and feed it water through a kitten syringe (ie through its mouth). 
It will be shaking for a while (a couple of days) (shock) but keep it warm and fed and in a couple of days you will be able to give it something more substantial (like pureed catfood). You can mash cat food on a plate with a spoon, but make sure it's room temperature. Keep it away from other animals, but other humans are OK, as long as they don't scare it. I've done this before.
Go to the vet. The kitten is probably sick. Most mom cats will expel a sick kitten . You need to go to the store to get kitten cat milk and a eyedropper to feed the kitten.
You will have to stimulate its back side with a wet or damp cloth to encourage it to go to the bathroom, afterwards. Kittens this age are so frail that many do not make it with medical help.
Call the local animal shelter or no kill group. They might have a mom cat still nursing a litter.
7 day old kitten doesn't eat meat! Until it is 8 to 10 weeks it eats nothing but mom's milk.

You can feed it KMR (Kitten Milk Replacement), Whiskas Cat Milk, or Cat Sip from the pet supply store or goat's milk from the dairy section at the grocery store. NO COW'S MILK!

It needs to be on a heating pad wrapped in a pillow case, turned on low.

It needs to eat every 2 hours around the clock. You need to make it pee and poo after EVERY feeding.

You need to get it to the vet's office because the odds are it's going to die. 
Don't let your cats around it! All they know is that it is not part of their flock or family and they don't want it there. You shouldn't have let them meet so the damage is done in that respect.

If it lives look up introduction of kittens to cats and follow instructions.
A kitten that young will not eat solids.
You need to feed it milk with an eyedropper. 

Add 1 teaspoon of sugar to 2 oz of milk and warm it a bit... then gently hold the kitten and present the milk to it. Make the kitten a warm bed with good heat and security.
Try a warm bowl of almond milk (never cows milk). You can also try a warm bowl of oatmeal with some sugar in it, basically something sweet smelling and warm. Close it in your garage and just leave it out there with the food. 
Do anything to catch it and keep it in box with some blankets or towels. Check for wounds, anything unusual. If you want to keep the kitten you have to take care of it constantly, feeding it proper milk and food, go through all the regular steps of taking care of a cat, get its shots, check for fleas, worm medicine if needed. If you don't want it take it the the animal shelter.
Kittens that are only days old do not eat meat, they drink their mothers milk.
The kitten needs to be seen by a vet, if you are not willing or able to pay for a vet, you need to call a local cat charity/shelter for help. Tell them you've found a stray kitten and they will do what they can for it. 

If the kitten doesn't receive help soon, it might not survive.
Once you have sorted the kitten, keep a look out for its Mother. She might also need help.
Please do whatever it takes to help this kitten, call everyone you know until someone steps up if you won't yourself.

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