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Wanna defend Pitbulls?

Yeah.. Lol I just started what is probably going to turn into a big-*** argument about Pitbulls labeled: 
Attention all Pit bull haters! I want GOOD SOLID PROOF that Pitbulls are more vicious than any other dogs. Anybody want to argue the Pro side with me?
Facts are preferred, personal experience, not so much.
I don't have to defend pit bulls. If anything was true then places wouldn't be overturning their pit bull bans because the lessening of dog maulings that they expected didn't materialize. 
And they are overturning them, in droves and masses. 110 cities have overturned their bans and 17 states have made it illegal to have BSLs (breed specific laws). 
Their statistics are better than anything you or I can get off google. They explain the disconnect by asserting that pit bull terriers are the most mis-identified breed there is and that a big percentage of reported 'pit bull' attacks were not, in fact, pit bulls at all. 
Also, as a 'dog' person, I know that, as a breed, pit bulls are not people aggressive. Chow chows are people aggressive, but not pit bulls. 

SO, you have better proof than entire STATES? I believe I'd like to see that.
FACT: As Border Collies were bred for sheep herding, the American Pitbull Terrier was bred for dog fighting.

FACT: Genetic make-up decides what a dog can do. It's like training a hunting dog to herd- possible, but highly unlikely.

FACT: In America there are over 30 dog attack fatalities a year. In Australia (where pitbulls are banned) there have only been 28 fatalities in the past 10 years.

FACT: A proper APBT should have an extremely high prey drive, and should want to chase and kill anything it seems as 'prey'.

FACT: The APBT was never intended to be a family dog. They were bred solely for human entertainment in the dog fighting rings.

FACT: Many people who claim to have 'pitbulls' actually own a Staffy/bull terrier/Labrador/mastiff/unrelated mixes.
Every decade there is a new vicious dog and the one thing they all have in common is that they are all extremely smart. 
Domesticated dogs are naturally docile its the environment that makes the dog aggressive. The physiology of a pitbull makes them efficient for dog fights. 
Their intelligence makes them easy to train. If you wanted to make money on dog fights, that is the dog you buy. 
So your going to hear reports every day about one attacking someone simply because they are abused. 
They don't know any better. Its not like the dog wakes up one day thinking I am going to maul someone. 
They wake up thinking who is going to beat me next. Fight or flight response all animals have it.
The FACT is that bully breed mutts account for over 60% of deaths by dog attack. No more proof needed than that. I also think they're hideously ugly.

There's also really no such thing as a "Pit Bull". There isn't a single legitimate registry that recognizes it as a breed. They're all just ill bred bully breed MUTTS with deep rooted aggression issues.

LOL that you only want people to defend them and thankfully for you there are a lot of clueless IDIOTS that will do just that.
Pitt bulls are dangerous, agressive, unpredictable and KILL more people then any bred. They MAUL and BITE more then any breed and kids are the most common victim. 
They are statistically proven to attack their owners or kids more then any breed.

It never ever matters how you rise or train them. No one can train them to not kill, bit or maul kids or adults or train them not to turn.

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