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My cat is constantly hungry what should i do? Advice please!?

I feed my cat twice a day but he constantly meow for food and have no patience to wait and kinda scream when i am preparing the food. idk if i feeding him enough or not. He is currently 5months old.


First, have the vet check him over to make sure he doesn't have some condition that may make him this way--tapeworms can easily eat up a lot of the food he's ingesting so he doesn't get the nutrition he needs so constantly feels hungry. He may have some ot her condition so first have your vet check him over, and talk to your vet about the problem. 

Your cat is still considered a kitten and he's still growing fast so, like a teenage boy, he's going to want to eat a whole lot all the time. 

Make sure the food you feed him is mostly meat because that's what cats need; if his food contains a lot of grains and vegetables and other fillers, he's going to feel hungry all the time. I always left a small bowl of high quality cat kibble down so my cats can eat at will so they don't develop food issues (if they can eat when they're hungry, food doesn't become this godly special thing).

I feed cat up to 2 years old 3 meals a day. They are growing and need extra. After 6 months old they are put on a twice a day feeding. What are you feeding now? Canned or dry and what kinds? Cheap canned food and dry food doesn't have enough quality and calories - its full of unless fillers like grains and corn; causing the cat to be hungry all the time.Try upgrading to a quality canned food and feed 3 x a day and see how it goes.

Don't restrict food for kittens. Leave dry food out for them to graze on.They like to have some in the morning and every couple hours.We know that the ,cat needs more food while they are growing.So in your case,he is growing cat, you are not feeding him enough.If you think its not normal feeding,then have the vet check him over to make sure he doesn't have some condition.he have the vet check him over to make sure he doesn't have some condition that may make him this way--tapeworms can easily eat up a lot of the food he's ingesting so he doesn't get the nutrition he needs so constantly feels hungry.

I feed kittens up to 6 months old 3 meals a day. They are growing and need extra. After 6 months old they are put on a twice a day feeding. What are you feeding now? Canned or dry and what kinds?

Cheap canned food and dry food doesn't have enough quality and calories - its full of usless fillers like grains and corn; causing the cat to be hungry all the time.

Try upgrading to a quality canned food and feed 3 x a day and see how it goes.

I try to keep dry food in my cats dish all the time. If it's empty and he wants more he will cry for it to be filled up. I give him wet food as a treat once every couple of days. My cat is a big healthy weight cat and very happy.
Cats like to graze food. They like to have some in the morning and every couple hours after that or their immune system starts to shut down. Make sure you are feeding her a bug enough portion to last the whole day. Another option is to buy a self feeder so she can eat what she needs throughout the day.
My cat is the same. I feed him twice and has dry food and water for quick snacks between feedings. When times come up and he's bored, he wants too eat. I then will detour him with his laser light or other toys. He forgets about the food, plays for awhile then naps...~!
HE is a growing cat, you are not feeding him enough. If he has not been to the vet yet either, he should be, because he may have worms.

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