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Is it possible for cat fur to irritate skin?

Ever since I was 12 I've had this severe itching problem in my more..private area, and it's been going on for years at night while I'm asleep. And I wake up sore and my skin's irritated in the morning. I've been to the doctor numerous times but they usually can't find anything wrong, and it's driving me crazy. But I also got my cat when I was 12 and she sheds everywhere. 

Her fur is pretty much on everything, including my underwear, bras, shirts, what have you, and I'm not allergic to cats but yet I wonder, could her shedding be the cause of the problem, maybe? I'm turning 18 now by the way.
Thank you so much for reading and possibly answering. ^-^ 


My first suggestion is going to be that you keep your undies in a drawer & not on the floor or bed. I would be sure to make my bed (at least pull the blankets up) as soon as I got up in the morning, too. If need be, keep the cat out of your bedroom all the time by closing your door. That all should help if it's the cat but I doubt it is.

I have very sensitive skin, too. He's what I have found helps:
I use laundry products labeled as "Free" that are made without fragrance or dyes.
I use Dove soap for sensitive skin. What a difference that has made!
I wear only cotton undies. They make pretty ones now. You are not stuck with white granny panties!
Don't even THINK about shaving that ...private area! Trim it up short if you want but shaving is a NoNo!

It almost sounds like body lice but if the doctor can't find anything then that's not it.
Try shaving there. It's all the rage anyway. A wax is better but it HURTS! After the hair is gone, try an anti-fungal like tinactin. It might be that. Fungus thrives in damp areas and it itches like the devil. Don't use extra strength anything. You'll go nuts. Just regular gold bond medicated powder is good.
BTW it's not your cat or you'd have the same rash inside your elbows and knees.

I am NOT going to try to give medical advice, but I can share experiences... I have had problems with itching and skin irritation off and on since I was about four (I'm 66 now), and have noticed some of our cats seemed to trigger a reaction, especially around my eyes. Even so, we have had at least one cat in the house dating back to 1974, until our last kitty Max went to live with our youngest daughter when she moved to Vegas for grad school in 2007. In 2011 she and her middle sister surprised us with Saphira for Christmas. 

She is a Lavender Spotted Ocicat, and was about two at the time, being retired from breeding. (She is my avatar.) In addition to being very well behaved and an absolute joy, she did not seem to trigger any allergic response in me. We fell totally in love with her and the breed that less than a year later we adopted Viola, a really cute little Oci girl 18 months old. I have no reaction to either one, and both sleep in our bed every night so I am exposed to them a LOT. No guarantee you would have similar results, just telling my story.

In your case, I would do everything possible to keep cat dander out of your clothes and bedding. We groom our girls often with a grooming glove to help minimize shedding, you might try this too. If none of these measures helps your problem, back to the doctor time!

Good luck!

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