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Is it ok to neuter my dogs?

So I was playing a game and I was against someone with a dog profile picture. I asked if he likes dog etc and we sorta became friends. We talked about our dogs more and how much we love them. I have 3 and he told me never to neuter my dogs. I told him I already did and he told me go to hell. He said i'm going to hell and to f off. My dad owns the,humane society of Maryland so i'm pretty sure my dad knows whats best for my three labs but why would someone be so mad that I chopped my dogs balls off? 
Castration is very unhealthy for male dogs. University animal science studies and studies sponsored by the animal hospitals and pet food manufacturers turned up that castration can cause growth problems, it is linked to an increase in all cancers except testicular but especially blood and bone and it DOUBLES the risk of prostate cancer. 
It causes a loss of muscle tone, a change in personality, a loss of that certain 'joie de vive' and increases obesity and brittle bones. And that's what I remember just off the top of my head. They have a shorter life-span. People who perpetuate the myth do so because they believe the lie is justified by reducing the births of crossbred litters. 
I feel sorry for people who are blindly fooled and then are shocked when neutering ruins their dog, but your friend has no right to be angry with you. you didn't know it was bad and your father apparently continues to lie to you about it so it's easy to see how it happened. He really has zero right to be angry with YOU. And your dad doesn't 'own' the humane society in Maryland.
My dog recently got neutered. He is a bichon frise. They are prone to depression and he has definitely gained some pounds since the operation. Besides the weight, I still think neutering your dog is a good thing, as long as you are sure you don't want puppies in the future.
Responsible good owners spay and neuter. bad owners dont. Neutered dogs live longer, they are far more healthy, they dont get the many cancers only intact dogs get, they don't become agressive and dont mark all over the place

He reacted that way because he is an uneducated "gheto" idiot who doesn't knows a single thing about dogs, and thinks that by removing their organs it somehow affects the owner in a negative way and hurts their (Owner not the dog's) self steem.

Terminate that friendship immediately.

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