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Is it bad to leave my 1 year old dog home alone for 5 hour when I leave for work?

 Is it bad to leave my 1 year old dog home alone for 5 hour when I leave for work?


Best practice suggests 4 hours for an adult, if left on a regular basis. But a lot of this depends on the individual dog. Some will tolerate living a more solitary life a lot better than others. Just remember that dogs need people, people don't need dogs.

If your dog isn't noisy, destructive or messing indoors when you are out, most probably he's 'okay'. I would suggest you leave a work contact number with somebody who is around during the time you are away, just in case of an emergency at your property. I had to go back to work at one point, and did this, always worrying about fire, or the power going out (heating/air con.).

It`s not actually "bad" but in my opinion you need to take the dog for a walk of at least 30 minutes before leaving it and also another walk when you return. 

It also depends on the character of the dog and how it copes with being left for 5 hours on a daily basis. 

Some dogs can find it easy and others become upset or neurotic and destructive.
You don`t give any details of what your dog is like and what exercise it gets and its breed so it`s impossible to say if your dog will cope ok being left.

yeah kinda, dogs especially at that age need a lot of love care and attention, doing this 1-2 times a week is fine, but not everyday. Look for a small doggy day care, or a friend who works from home who might be willing to be a day parent to your dog.

The one thing you need to consider is that if you are gone for 5 hours, somebody might steal your dog. There are a lot of lazy-dumb type women with kids, and the kids want a dog. All dogs cost money to adopt, so it is easier to steal one. So, they drive around looking. If they see your routine and like your dog, they will think nothing of stealing it for their kid. So, you had better have a fence and locks on the gate.

She should be alright. Though make sure you don't over excite her before you leave. While getting ready for work make her stay on her bed or leave you alone, don't let her follow you around then when you are ready just leave. Try not to feel bad, she will be ok as long as you don't leave any doors open or dangerous things lying around were she can get them.

Just make sure there is nothing for your dog to get into that could be harmful to them if they eat it. If the dog is one year old and potty trained then it should be alright as long as there are chew toys or something they can distract themselves with.

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