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I live next door to an animal horder. Who may be possibly insane but still is a sweet old lady. Is there anyone I can call to help her.?

I know for a fact that she's not all there when it comes to being sane. When one of her dogs dies which is frequently, she invites everyone she knows to the dogs funeral. I've been to four in the last month, so I know for a fact that she doesn't need to own any animal. 
The smell inside her house and outside is horrible, and I'm the only one in my neighborhood that actually wants to help. The others don't really care that much for her and want her gone, though she needs help. Most of the dogs are small dogs, mostly chi's and the mixes they've made. The animal shelter is the only place that I know to call, other than that I'm lost. Any suggestions?
You can call the health bureau or social services. Calling animal control will result in the seizing of the dogs (which has to be done anyway) but won't do a thing to help her. It sounds as though she is "off" and does need help. Taking the animals away from a hoarder without getting that person the help they need does not good - being a hoarder they will soon have more animals and the cycle continues.
The animal shelter is only going to take her pets. Call adult protective services and let them know the situation. She apparently needs some type of intervention if she has had 4 dogs die in the last month.
I have a hoarder/puppy miller down the street. She's been reported to SPCA and the sheriff 5 times and nobody does anything to her. sad. Same thing, conditions are horrendous the smell will knock a mule at 40 paces.
Call the animal shelter, I don't know your local laws on hoarding but in many places there are laws about it. If dogs are dying regularly it seems they are probably not getting the care they need and in most areas that in itself is against the law. They will be the best help.
Did no one ask why 4 dogs have died in the last month?
Call the animal control
I wouldn't enter in her house if I were you or if you do,then arm yourself.

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