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I feel guilty for taking my senior dog to the shelter? Is this a normal feeling?

I couldn't support him anymore, his vet bills were getting high. He was a really sweet dog and they said they'd try to find a rescue for him, one that worked with senior animals. 
Yes, you should feel guilty and ashamed.

He SHOULD have gone to a rescue. No shelter is going to take the time to place an older dog unless they are Saints with loads of money. And what do no-kill shelters do? 
 They move him out to a kill shelter, declare he's not fit for another home, euthanize him.

You are disgusting to desert any pet, including a senior.

There is NOTHING normal about you.
Yes you should feel guilty, it's a normal feeling people feel after putting down their dogs.
Do you seriously think they will have him around if he is ill and consuming the shelter's funds?
He will be put down in a week at best.

This happened because you couldn't plan ahead, and have enough savings for scenarios like these.
I hope you reconsider if you ever want to own another pet.
Oh, sure - they'll try, but the odds of them finding a rescue slot for him are slim to none. And now - because you didn't want to do the 'dirty work' - he's going to die scared and alone, and at the hands of strangers. 
How much better it would have been if you had taken him to be euthanized, and stayed with him to the end. But no - you were too selfish to do that. 
You should feel guilty - and very much so. And I hope you feel so guilty that you never, ever get another pet. To abandon one who's been your companion for years? How could you do that? 
Yes, you should absolutely feel guilty. Go get your dog and have him euthanized yourself if you cannot afford his medical bills. 
 No one is going to adopt a senior dog with health problems. He is going to spend his last days alone in a cage wondering where you are before he is euthanized by complete strangers. The least you can do is be with him at the end. 
Go get your dog, and stop making others do the dirty work. How would you like to die alone in fear after being abandoned by the people you love? 
You should feel guilty. Shame on you! That dog was part of your family. Senior dogs are VERY hard to readopt. I know, I volunteer at the shelter. If the vet bills where too high, then you should have seen if you could make payment arrangements, or get the card used by vets so you could make monthly payments. Shame on you!
You feel guilty appropriately. Dogs, like people, get old, and their medical care gets more expensive. Please think carefully before you get another dog. People who don't have a lot of money, need to get GOOD pet insurance before any pre-existing conditions, that covers for life, will reliably pay, and pay most or all of the vet bill, and discuss with a rep what those premiums will look like in old age.
You feel guilty because you are a terrible person who did a terrible thing. I'd live in a car if I had to before I'd desert a senior pet who has done nothing but love me.
As long as you never get another dog. It was unconscionable of you to do that to the poor old guy. I hope you never get another good night's sleep.

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