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Why do some vets say that garlic is dangerous for cats and others say that its good for them?

Ask: Is there not enough evidence to support either?
I've read as many articles by vets saying that garlic supplements are good for cats as there are saying that it can kill them... how to know who is right? I don't really want to use my cat as a guinea pig, I also don't want to not give them something that could improve their health, rather than relying on pills and potions when I could give them herbs.

Jack: A tiny bit of garlic is harmless, but any appreciable amount is unhealthy for them. Do not give your cat garlic for fleas, nor self-medicate your cat with any sort of herbs, supplements or natural remedies.

With cats, "natural" is not the same thing as "safe". Many products that are harmless to dogs are very toxic and downright fatal for cats. An example is the natural herb pyrethrum which is used in flea products. OK for dogs, can cause seizures and death in cats. Another is tea tree oil - fine for dogs, toxic to cats.

Many natural products do not work for the things they are sold for anyway. If you really want to go the herbal route for anything with your cat, then you need to find a holistic vet who's been trained in what is safe, what is effective, and what is not. 

BTW - feeding garlic will not kill fleas on either a dog or a cat.

Elaine: Garlic will impair the kidney function, don't give it to your cat. 

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