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Next Hanna How to take care of newborn kittens when it's cold outside?

Ask: My cat gave birth to 4 kittens. My mother keeps them OUTSIDE IN A CAGE. But it's raining outside like almost everyday.

The newborn kittens are 1 week old. We put a blanket on their nest. When it's raining it's 28 Celcius. Should I put heating pad? Should I put more blanket? Should I keep them inside? I'm so worried about them. It's night and raining here. 

Tell me how to take care of newborn kittens. Plus, my newborn kittens twitch everytime they're asleep. What does that mean? Also,their mother leaves them and come back at her babies, leaves them then come back.

What does that mean? What's newborn kitten's average weight? Sometimes their mother lay down right on her babies and her babies are like screaming in pain, what does that mean?! When will the babies open their eyes and able to hear? And sometimes one of them panting, does that mean the baby doesn't have enough oxygen? Tell me everything what to do and not to do to the kittens. They're really beautiful and can't let them die! I really appreciate it when someone answer. Thanks :)

Angie: Well first things first, good job caring for the kittens! Heating pads do work but put them under layers of blankets not directly on top but I don't think you need it. The temperature is pretty warm (this winter is nothing to worry about) Rain isn't much of a big deal as it doesn't fall onto the kittens. When it starts snowing or getting cold, take them in and slowly introduce them to solids if the mother isn't there and if they are old enough.

You don't need to put more blankets if you have the heating pad, if the kittens don't make it, it's mother nature saying that it's just too weak to go on,

You can't take the babies in without the mother of course with all the nutrients from the milk. You can buy milk powder for kittens but they are really expensive and you will have to do lots of research.

There are many websites online that tell you how to take care of newborn kittens. They open their eyes on day 7-10 but if they don't, that's fine as some open much later then others.

Twitching=dreaming Shaking= the complete opposite, something is wrong.

The mother leaves the babies to find food and then comes back. She also does that because if the mother is staying with her babies a lot, the predators will start to notice and find out where the babies are. When she lies down with the kittens, they are not screaming in pain. They get sort of excited because it's feeding time.

A panting kitten can mean many things like shock, stress, anxiety, ect. You can try putting water bottles filled with hot water, wrap it with towels, and place it inside. Make sure the neighbor hood dogs don't get to them!

Jack: Why did you irresponsibly allow your cat to get pregnant if you are not planning on caring for her and the kittens? If they do not have proper shelter they are going to get sick and die, and mom should not be caged. 

Mom and the kittens need to be brought indoors until the kittens are weaned and mom is spayed, not caged out doors. Best bet is to either drop all of them off at your local rescue center, or rehome the family to someone who's actually going to take proper care of them. These are living creatures, and need a home where someone is actually going to care for them.

Bete: you should keep them inside in a box with blankeet in closet. mom likes dark safe places.
Your mumis cruel and horrible. i would call animal control and have thempick up mum and babies if you want them to
live. She should have had your cat spayed instead she is tsking out her anger on ooor defenceless lives! So pls give up mum and kittens to Humane Society leave the care tonthemm
. they may have pnemonia by now and will need hospital annd mums milk.
I realizee you love MUM ABD BAABIES soo i am counting on you to call animal control and save the lives of these babies and the anguish of mumbeing seperated.

Buster: 28 C is very hot. but that is not the point, the point is that it is cruel to keep cats in a cage. if you don't want cats, don't have them, but if you do, don't keep them in a cage. Either give the cats to someone who will treat them as the semi-sentient creatures that they are, or let them free to be part of the household. SOmeone should throw your mom into a cage and see how she likes it.

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