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I m 15 and I m getting a dog next week but my parents don t know about it. I want to get him neutered, how would I go about doing that?

Ask: I m 15 and I m getting a dog next week but my parents don t know about it. I want to get him neutered, how would I go about doing that?

Update: Would I need to be 18 or what?
Update 2: Lmao. It's funny how you can sit here and call me a snot nose brat when you don't even know me. I'm not your child so I don't give two shits about what you would do if I was your child. I wouldn't have gotten a dog if I thought I couldn't take care of it, since we already have 2 other dogs. So, please keep your opinions to yourself. You don't know me. Lol. How would you feel if some adult talked to your child like that?
Update 3: Also, shout out to Bill for not being a rude asshole and giving me a simple answer to the question I asked. So shout out to you, Bill. You are the real MVP! You go, Bill!
Update 4: It would be really ironic after all of you saying they won't let me keep it, and they did. Lmao. Bitches these days.

Don't bother answering this question if all you're going to do is *****. Go ***** at someone who might give a flying ****. lol
You take him to a vet, but getting a dog without telling your parents could be a big mistake. 
You should be sure you can have another dog, for example where I live you are only legally allowed to have two dogs. 
Any dogs after that you have to apply to the council to get additional dogs. 

You can't own a dog until you are 18, so even bringing one home. If your parents say no they can take it back because it's not your dog. 

The only place that will sell you a dog at your age is a puppy farm where the puppy will probably be in poor health and need lots of medical attention.

You get a dog neutered at the vet for about $100-$200 depending on the vet you go to.
You take him to a vet to be neutered, I don't *think* you need to be over 18 unless they want some proof that the dog is legally yours. 
They will certainly want your name/ parents name to register the dog at the vet clinic under. 
Getting a dog neutered can cost a couple hundred dollars so you will also need that. 
I don't know how close a vet clinic is to your house but it's probably not a good idea to make a dog that has just had an operation walk a long distance home, think about transportation to get him home.

Also if the dog is not legally registered in your name your parents will be able to take him to a shelter or another home if they don't want another dog.
neutering is not the problem.
What about how you plan on paying for the dog? You don't have a good job if you're fifteen.
How do you plan on keeping it a secret? Your parents WILL find out eventually. 

Don't get a dog without your parents permission. You won't be able to pay for emergency vet bills either if something happens. 

When your parents find out, the dog will end up in the shelter. Don't try this.
Don't be so ridiculous.
Getting him neutered is the least of your problems. You will not be able to have this dog at your parents property without them knowing or without them having a part in his life. 
Dogs don't just behave all the time you are not around and they cause noise and damage.

If you were my daughter there is NO WAY I would allow you to keep this dog in my house purely because you had not discussed it with me first.

How totally disrespectful to your parents.

Add... hahahaha.. what a nice girl you are. Your parents must be well chuffed with how you turned out.
Yes, you need to be 18 - for many reasons. The first is that no vet will neuter a dog for a minor child. The consent for surgery needs to be signed by someone of legal age. 
You cannot purchase a dog either unless you are of legal age. Shame on the person giving/selling it to you without your parent's consent. And who is going to drive the dog to the vet, and pay for food and future vet bills? You?

And if my child had done this, the dog would be out the door as fast as it came in. Having respect for one's parents clearly wasn't communicated very well to you.
So, what most people don't know is that there is actually alternative methods to neutorization. If you don't want to take Paul to the vet, simply give him a homemade "smoothie" of the following ingredients for a more natural and stress-free neutorization method:

- Peanuts
- Squash (2)
- Seedless watermelon
- 3 strawberries (MAKE SURE TO DE-SEED THEM)
- grass from underneath an oak tree (tree MUST be over the age of 25)
- Mulberry leaves (2-6)
- 19 tablespoons Dr. Pepper
Good luck.

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